Friday, March 26, 2010

Telemedicine/e-health in resource-limited settings: sustain & scale, Tromsø, 07-11 June 2010

The Norvegian Telemedicine Center (NST) and the South Tropical Institute from Antwerp are please to announce the opportunity to take part in a Telemedicine advanced workshop on "Telemedicine/e-health in resource-limited settings: sustain & scale", at NST in Tromsø, 07-11 June 2010.

Please follow the links to the invitation letter, programme draft and application form. Please fill in the application, paying particular attention to the motivation letter to be included; admission is restricted to a max of ten participants.

The workshop will be conceived in an interactive case-based approach with hands-on sessions, accompanied by lectures, seminars and group discussions. Participants will present their own project or programme to the group and set the specific learning goals for the one week workshop, in the frame of sustainability and scalability.

Participants are expected to cover their travel costs; basic accommodation with breakfast and lunch will be provided. Deadline for application 31st of March 2010.

Atelierul de lucru "e-Health/Telemedicine in Low Income settings" in Tromso, Iunie 7-11, 2010

In perioda 7-11 iunie 2010, Centrul Norvegian Telemedical din Tromso organizeaza atelierul de lucru "Telemedicine/e-health in resources-limited settings: sustaing and scale" pentru participanti din tari in curs de dezvoltare. In cadrul atelierului interactiv participanti va lua parte la lectii, seminare, grupuri de discutii si va analiza diferite studie de caz. Totodata participanti va prezenta proiecte si programe personale si va elabora un set de obiective specifice referitor la durabilitatea si extinderea activitatilor programate.

Persoane selectate va beneficia de cazare. Cursul educational este oferit gratis. Data limita de aplicare este 31 Martie 2010. Numai 10 participanti va fi selectati de organizatori.

Documente de participare sunt presentate mai jos:

Forma de aplicare
Program preliminar

Atelierul este organizat in cooperare cu South Tropical Institute din Anvers.

2nd European Connected Health Leadership Summit, June15-16, 2010

With a new decade, will we see the start of change and "connected health" deliver on its promise? Are we ready to move beyond the hype and implement more than pilots? As the world begins to embrace the idea that health and wellness can be improved and costs can be reduced through the application of remote monitoring technologies, how will you get started?

This year's ECH Leadership Summit theme is "Engagement - How do you make it happen!"
Attend the Summit and learn:

  • What are the technologies? Are they ready yet?
  • How should I prepare my organization? Where do we start?
  • Who do I need to involve and where do I turn for help?
  • What are the "Do's & Don'ts" when introducing technologies?
  • How do we stop making the same mistakes and remove the barriers to scaled deployments?

These are but some of the questions that the ECH Leadership Summit will help you answer. This will be an international gathering of key practitioners, thought leaders and industry leaders from the field of Connected Health. The ECH Leadership Summit promises a compelling programme, addressing real issues experienced by the many stakeholders and end users.

The ECH Leadership Summit offers a full range of activities including key note speakers, leadership panels with Q&A, debates, presentations and work streams- where you’ll work in smaller groups, with experienced professionals - as well as time for networking and speaking one-on-one with notable industry and academic leaders. There will also be a two day Connected Health Exhibition where vendors will be prepared to provide hands on experience with the technologies of today as well as some new ones that will soon be available.

For further information and registration, please visit:

Through EU e-HealthNews.EU

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sistem informaţional pentru Asistenţa Medicală Primară: MS şi CNAM sunt interesaţi de progres şi funcţionalitate

Proiectul Uniunii Europene "Suport pentru reforma sănătăţii. Fortificarea asistenţei medicale primare în Moldova" ("Proiect") a definit sistemul informaţional pentru Asistenţa Medicală Primară - Medex 2.0, implementat la nivel pilot în Asociaţia Medicală Teritorială „Centru" din Chişinău. Versiunea nouă a sistemului informaţional include funcţii ce ţin de fluxul de pacienţi, datele medicale, datele statistice şi alte aspecte ale asistenţei medicale primare. În data de 02 martie 2010, Viceministrul Sănătăţii, Dl Octavian Gramă, Directorul General al Companiei Naţionale de Asigurări în Medicină (CNAM), Dl Mircea Buga şi Directorul interimar, Direcţia Sănătăţii Consiliului Municipal Chişinău, Dna Luminiţa Suveică au întreprins o vizită la AMT „Centru" pentru a se interesa atât de funcţionalitatea cât şi de progresul obţinut în realizarea sistemului informaţional pilotat în cadrul AMT „Centru". Dna Adela Glavan, Directorul AMT „Centru", a efectuat o scurtă prezentare a statutului actual al sistemului informaţional Medex 2.0.

Pe parcursul ultimelor luni, proiectul şi AMT „Centru" au perfecţionat versiunea veche a sistemului informaţional. Ultimul pas a constituit migrarea cu succes a datelor din versiunea Medex 1.0 în versiunea Medex 2.0, pus în exploatare la nivel experimental din 22 februarie 2010. Conform Memorandumului de colaborare semnat între Proiect, MS şi AMT Centru, personalul AMT „Centru" participă activ la perfecţionarea sistemului prin identificarea cerinţelor faţă de funcţionalitatea sistemului, la testare şi pilotare.

După o pilotare de succes la AMT „Centru", noua versiune Medex ("Medex 2") poate fi replicată în alte AMT-uri şi în centrele de sănătate la nivel raional. De asemenea, acest sistem informaţional poate fi utilizat pe viitor la nivel naţional, atunci când infrastructura TI va permite acest fapt. Specialiştii TI locali instruiţi în instruirea utilizatorilor, menţinerea sistemului şi administrarea bazelor de date servesc drept bază pentru durabilitate şi ca resurse pentru replicarea ulterioară a sistemului elaborat.

Proiectul Suport pentru reforma sănătăţii. Fortificarea asistenţei medicale primare în Moldova este finanţat de Uniunea Europeană şi implementat de Consorţiul ICON / BBI / UNICON / IRIS, pe o durată de 2 ani (septembrie 2008 - august 2010) şi cu un buget de 1,2 mln EURO (ca. 21 mln lei MD). Beneficiarul proiectului este Ministerul Sănătăţii.

Sursa: Delegaţia Comisiei Europene în Republica Moldova

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Global Supplementary Grant Program (GSGP)

The Open Society Institute's Network Scholarship Programs (NSP) is pleased to announce the Global Supplementary Grant Program (GSGP) for the 2010 – 2011 academic year. GSGP offers supplementary grants to students from select countries of Eastern and Central Europe, the former Soviet Union, and Mongolia. The purpose of the program is to enable qualified students to pursue doctoral studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences at accredited universities in Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle/Near East, and North America.

Eligibility: The Global Supplementary Grant Program is available to citizens of the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

Students pursuing doctorates in the medical, physical, chemical, technical or natural sciences as well as fine or performing arts are not eligible for this grant. Ineligible fields of study include:

* Business Administration/Management Training
* Computer Science
* Finance/Banking/Marketing
* Engineering
* Hard & Natural Sciences (Physics, Biology, Chemistry, etc.)
* Mathematics
* Medical Sciences

GSGP grants are for students pursuing doctorate degrees only. Students admitted to master’s programs with the intent to continue, but who are not clearly admitted into a Ph.D. program, are ineligible.

Please note that this is a supplementary program not intended for full funding. Applicants must be able to demonstrate additional support from other sources.

Applying: Further details regarding the program and guidelines for applying may be found in the application forms for GSGP 2010-2011.

Paper applications may be accessed via the OSI website at:

Applicants may also apply online using the Online Application System (OAS) at:

Applicants must complete the appropriate application (GSGP-NA or

GSGP-Europe) based on the continent of study. Applicants applying to universities in North American and Europe will need to submit 2 applications.


The deadline for students pursuing a Ph.D. in Asia, Australia, North America, or the Middle East is April 2, 2010.

The deadline for students pursuing a Ph.D. in Europe is June 10, 2010.

Applications will not be accepted after the appropriate deadline. Late applications will be automatically disqualified.

Applications for GSGP North America sent by mail must be postmarked by April 2nd and may be sent to the New York address below. Applications for GSGP Europe must be postmarked by June 10th and sent to the London address below. Alternately, applications may be submitted online or sent to your local Educational Advising Center office (148, Stefan cel Mare blvd., of.22, MD 2012, Chisinau, Moldova, tel: 373 22 221172 / 221167,

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Global Supplementary Grant Program – North America Open Society Institute 1700 Broadway, 17th Floor New York, NY 10019 U.S.A.

Global Supplementary Grant Program - Europe Open Society Foundation Network Scholarship Programs Cambridge House 100 Cambridge Grove London W6 0LE United Kingdom

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

eHealth Ministerial Declaration: European Co-operation on eHealth

Adopted 15/03/2010
Following the adoption by the EPSCO Council of the Conclusions on safe and efficient healthcare through eHealth, we(1) acknowledge that ICT for Health (eHealth) is a tool to improve quality and patient safety, to modernise national healthcare systems, to increase their efficiency and make them better adapted to the individual needs of citizens, patients, health professionals, and the challenges of an ageing society.

The importance of ensuring that the deployment of ICT in healthcare, to be successful has to be accompanied by the necessary organisational reforms, driven by leadership and supported by adequate skills.

Therefore we welcome

* Recent efforts by Member States to reform the governance arrangements for eHealth in Europe through a new mechanism of cooperation - the European eHealth Governance Initiative,
* The forthcoming update of the Commission Communication on the "eHealth Action Plan"
* The Commission Consultation on the European Digital Agenda
* The Council Conclusions on the "Post-i2010 Strategy"
* The agreed programme of priorities of the TRIO Presidencies (2)

To build on these developments and achieve the overall objective of enhancing quality and sustainability of healthcare systems, to make them to benefit from ICT deployment in the best interest of patients, healthcare professionals and society, we consider that the following points should be addressed:

1. Political and strategic commitment

* To use eHealth as an instrument to address health care goals and priorities both at European and National level
* The European eHealth Governance Initiative should reinforce European cooperation at a high level to strengthen the common eHealth area. It should aim at removing barriers to the deployment of eHealth, enhance quality, access and safety in healthcare Europe wide. The Initiative should also contribute to mainstream e-Health in EU policies and instruments
* Collaboration with States outside the EU, is also welcome, for example in the quest for internationally recognised standards for eHealth including tools and processes.

2. Building confidence and acceptance

* To evaluate eHealth, as much as possible in a standardised manner, with respect to health outcomes, benefits and cost effectiveness, including patient safety, accessibility to care and quality of care
* To further develop and support, the involvement of healthcare providers, health professionals, patients and their representative organisations in order to encourage awareness and development of eHealth;
* To enhance the cooperation between authorities, healthcare providers, health professionals as well as between health professionals and patients, also taking into account ethical and privacy related aspects
* To create interactive platforms of stakeholders, to facilitate common understanding of health needs, benefits and risks of innovative solutions. The platform should aim at involving stakeholders in policy planning, implementation and evaluation of deployment and usages;
* To improve confidence in eHealth solutions by using common EU or international standards and share components
* To make recommendations to improve confidence in and acceptance of eHealth.

3. Bringing legal and ethical clarity and ensuring protection of personal health data

* Create and support mechanisms enabling exchange of information about current national provisions for licensing, accreditation and the regulation of eHealth services to enable the development of eHealth, and to propose improvements
* Facilitate common approaches to identification, authentication and access of health professionals and patients accessing and using personal health data, especially in the context of cross border eHealth services (i.e. epSOS)
* Address the legal and ethical constraints for the safe exchange of medical data across national borders, respecting the need to protect health data including the integrity of the patient data.
* Address the levels of consent given by patients for different uses of their medical data from the perspective of patients’ rights.
* Clarify the existing legal framework for eHealth, in particular on: telemedicine, including across borders; and the application of the recently amended Directive on medical devices (3)

4. Solving interoperability issues

* Resolve legal, regulatory and organisational barriers to eHealth interoperability
* Support semantic interoperability and define a medium term strategy based on existing or emerging EU and international standards
* Develop internationally-recognised common standards and certification of testing to facilitate their deployment and use in all eHealth applications.

5. Linking eHealth policy to competitiveness, innovation and research as well as to cohesion and inclusion policies

* Promote further collaboration between the European Commission and Member States, to support the implementation of health goals and priorities using eHealth
* Promote networking and cooperation among public procurers in the development process of ICT solutions for health, to learn from best practices and to incorporate ICT standards in requirements for eHealth systems
* Strengthen the links between the EU policies for health, research and innovation, competitiveness and regional development, including relevant criteria for eHealth development in those European, national and regional initiatives.
* Support the deployment of a mobile communication infrastructure to fully enable eHealth in general and telemedicine, in particular. Research on mobile health (4) has to be pursued in relationship with the broadband package and infrastructure development.

In conclusion we:

* Call for policy coordination amongst the various areas where eHealth can have an impact on citizens' health in order to enhance benefits for patients, healthcare systems and society.
* Recognise the need for stronger synergies with policy areas like competitiveness, research and regional development both at European and national levels
* Call for the importance of eHealth to be underlined in the framework of the European Digital Agenda; (5)
* Aim at using ICT tools for Health to scale up benefits to patients, healthcare systems and society. Therefore welcome large scale actions at European level to link research, innovation and deployment and invite the Commission to report on progresses made in this area. Such types of actions could contribute to tackle issues such as technical feasibility, legal certainty, awareness and convincing business cases.
* Recognise the importance of involving all stakeholders, in the strategic planning, validation and implementation of eHealth;

1. Ministers and High Level Representatives responsible for eHealth
2. Council of the European Union, Brussels, 27 November 2009, 16771/09, POLGEN 219: note from the future Spanish, Belgian and Hungarian Presidencies, to Coreper/Council. Subject : Draft 18 month programme of the Council
3. 2009/C 293/02 Commission communication in the framework of the implementation of Council Directive 90/385/EEC of 20 June 1990 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to active implantable medical devices (1)(Publication of titles and references of harmonised standards under the Directive) 34; 2009/C 293/03 Commission communication in the framework of the implementation of Council Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning medical devices (1)(Publication of titles and references of harmonised standards under the Directive). 39 2009/C 293/04 Commission communication in the framework of the implementation of Directive 98/79/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 1998 on in-vitro diagnostic medical devices (1)(Publication of titles and references of harmonised standards under the Directive)
4. Mobile health should be understood as devices enabling access to health services also at distance and on the move i.e. PDA and mobile phones as tool to access health services.
5. In this context Member States welcome the inclusion of eHealth in the World Conference on IT, Amsterdam May 2010.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Half of continuing medical education will be online by 2016

By Debra Beaulieu

If current trends in the use of online education continue, 50% of continuing medical education (CME) used by physicians will be delivered via the Internet in 2016. This would represent a dramatic increase over the 9% of CME delivered via the Internet in 2008. According to a new study published in the winter, 2010 issue of the Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions these changes in how practicing physicians obtain ongoing training could disrupt the multi-billion dollar CME industry in much the same way technological innovations have disrupted other established industries.

Most physician CME today is delivered via live meetings and conferences and is prepared by academic centers and professional societies. The new study finds that, in contrast, most online CME is prepared by commercial education companies. It is also distributed to physicians for free or at a very low cost. The authors observed that the pattern of a new technology being developed outside of mainstream organizations is consistent with what Harvard Professor Clayton Christensen has described as a pattern of "disruptive innovation" that often damages existing organizations while leading to lower prices and higher quality.

"These findings are very provocative," stated Dr. John Harris Jr., President of Medical Directions, Inc., Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Arizona and the study's lead author. "We know that lots of health professionals are using the Internet for ongoing education. We also know that the tried and true approaches, such as live meetings, are still quite popular. But these analyses, which are based on 11 years of data, show that the growth rate for online CME is well-established and exponential. We can expect far more changes in how CME is developed, distributed, and probably paid for in the next 10 years than we have seen in the past 30."

The key study findings are consistent with broader trends in the use of online technologies in education. A 2009 report from Babson College observed, "Online enrollments have continued to grow at rates far in excess of the total higher education student population..." A 2009 review of 46 published studies by the US Department of Education found, "...on average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction."

SOURCE FierceHealthcare

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

3rd edition of the International Conference Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics ICTEI-2010, 20-23 May 2010

International Conference on Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics is at its 3rd edition in 2010.

The conference goal is to join researchers, engineers, manufacturers and users from all over the world working in the areas of Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics, that are recognized as being the most dynamic sectors of science and technology, in order to make presentations on recent achievements in above domains, to make discussions and information exchange, to establish multilateral relationships, to join research, education and manufacturing activities etc.

The topics of conference presentations will cover new achievements and implementations in following domains:

  • Telecommunications networks and technologies
  • Lasers in telecommunications and information processing
  • Electronic, optoelectronic and informational systems
  • Materials, components and equipment in electronics and communications
  • Informatics and computer science
  • Grid Computing technologies
  • Robotics and Image Processing
  • Software: development and testing
  • Standards and Measurements
  • Space technologies and applications
  • Biomedical engineering
  • Telecommunications, electronics and informatics management and marketing
  • Modern teaching techniques implemented in university degree studies

The languages of the ICTEI 2010 Conference are – Romanian, English, Russian.

The works of the Conference will take place at the Faculty of Radioelectronics and Telecommunications, Technical University of Moldova, 168 Stefan cel Mare bd, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.

For more details, please visit the official website of the ICTEI-2010 Conference: sau

Sourse Moldova e-Development Network

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

eHealth Intelligence Report,Tuesday 9 March 2010

White House calls for new health IT task force (23 February 2010 - Healthcare IT News)

Canada - No More Dithering On e-Health (2 March 2010 - Medical News Today)
Canada is lagging behind many countries in the use of electronic health records and it is critical that the country's medical and political leaders set targets for universal adoption, states an editorial in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). While Canada has invested more than $1.6 billion in federal funds to develop integrated electronic health records, only 37% of general practitioners use electronic records compared with 97% in New Zealand and 95% in Australia.

Europe - COCIR Publishes Telehealth Toolkit (19 February 2010 - eHealth Europe)
European health IT trade body COCIR has launched a telemedicine toolkit to support the creation of a stronger European telemedicine sector. The five recommendations in the position paper include that the EC and member states need to establish an appropriate legal framework with effective transposition at country level, cooperation needs to be strengthened between healthcare stakeholders to "best practice health strategies," and there needs to be greater finance for large scale projects with health economic evaluation.

Germany - First European deal for HealthVault (28 January 2010 - eHealth Insider)

Haiti - Communicating During Emergencies (15 February 2010 - Federal Telemedicine News)

Scientific Articles

E-health is booming in developing world (22 February 2010 - BMJ)
The use of electronic information and communications technologies in health is rising rapidly in the developing world, offering the potential to bring a revolution in health care. This message to delegates at a forum in Washington, DC, on 16 February was also the focus of the February issue of the health policy journal Health Affairs. Delegates were told of a programme in South Africa that uses mobile phones to support adherence to antiretroviral treatment. In Peru, where 80% of people have their own mobile phone, a provider has created a realtime system to monitor adverse events. Mexico is using mobile phones for CardioNET, a programme of text messages promoting exercise and physical activity. Meanwhile several nations in Africa and South America are implementing the open medical record system (OpenMRS), delegates heard.

Electronic Prescriptions Reduce Errors By Seven-Fold (28 February 2010 - Medical News Today)
Should doctors around the country use e-prescribing to decrease prescription errors? A study led by physician-scientists from Weill Cornell Medical College found that health care providers using an electronic system to write prescriptions were seven times less likely to make errors than those writing their prescriptions by hand. The study appears today in the online edition of the Journal of General Internal Medicine.


How to stop women dying - hand out some mobile phones? (3 March 2010 - The Guardian)
I made a plea for action rather than words on maternal mortality the other day. Sometimes one wonders whether all the good intentions, hot air and large sums of cash spent on talking about important issues like women dying in childbirth might not be better invested in some practical help on the ground - such as mobile phones for traditional birth attendants in rural parts of sub-Saharan Africa, so they can call for help when a woman is in danger of bleeding to death. So I was pleasantly surprised to be contacted by Maternal and Childhealth Advocacy International, who in spite of the name, have gone way beyond the hot air stage. In Pakistan and now in parts of the Gambia they have done what most needs to be done to stop women dying - they have put in place practical measures to get women emergency obstetric care. And that includes mobile phones for TBAs.

Internet-based medical education: a realist review of what works, for whom and in what circumstances (2 February 2010 - BMC Medical Education)

International benchmarking of healthcare quality (3 March 2010 - Rand Corporation)
There is growing interest in the systematic assessment and international benchmarking of quality of care provided in different healthcare systems, and major work is under way to support this process through the development and validation of quality indicators that can be used internationally. Recognising that cross-national data comparison remains a challenge, there is now a considerable body of data that allow for comparisons of healthcare quality in selected areas of care. The report includes a description of existing indicators that could be used to compare healthcare quality in different countries, along with a discussion of specific problems in making comparisons at this level of detail. This is illustrated with case studies of two measures widely used for international comparisons: avoidable mortality and cancer survival. These show both the potential power of cross-national comparisons and some of the difficulties in drawing valid interpretations from the data.


Rockefeller Foundation Supports Expansion, Training of E-Health Work Force in Developing World (19 February 2010 - AMIA)
The Rockefeller Foundation has awarded a $630,100 project support grant to the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) to support the initial implementation this year of a global e-Health training program in sub-Saharan Africa designed for primary care providers, technical staff and health policy-makers. The Rockefeller grant will support Health Informatics Building Blocks (HIBBs), a program developed by AMIA in which distance-learning supports clinical and health informatics training in low-resource countries where greater understanding and use of informatics and databases can enable better support of community care and public health services. This education initiative will provide an infrastructure that enables a broad audience such as community health workers in developing countries to acquire skills and knowledge in informatics at little or no cost to indigenous institutions or individuals.

Grants to Advance IT & Training (15 February 2010 - Federal Telemedicine News)
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis announced nearly $1 billion in Recovery Act awards are available to help healthcare providers adopt health IT and to help the Department of Labor train healthcare workers for future jobs. The awards will make health IT available to over 100,000 hospitals and primary care physicians by 2014. Dr. David Blumenthal National Coordinator for HIT reports of the $750 million available in HHS grants, $386 million will go to 40 states and qualified State-Designated Entities. The goal is to rapidly build the capacity needed to exchange health information through the State Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement Program. The funds will be used to help the states implement plans for statewide HIEs by providing for governance, policies, and the technical services needed to support HIEs. The awards will be used to encourage the states to participate in the Nationwide Health Information Network.

More details at eHealth Intelligence Report

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Moldova ICT Summit 2010

Moldova ICT Summit 2010 "Empowering Development through information technology" will take place on March 30-31 at Leogrand Convention Center. The partners of the event are: Moldovan ICT Association, USAID funded project CEED, EU funded project SEPIA, Microsoft Moldova.

Moldova ICT Summit 2010 is a premier industry event, focusing on how to empower country development through information technology and build knowledge based economy. This is the annual gathering of the Moldovan ICT sector, aiming first of all to bring and share technology innovation within the industry players and to the Moldovan customers. The Summit will gather the leaders of Moldovan ICT industry, regional ICT vendors, Government, international professionals, and domestic business customers.

The summit will have three major tracks:

* ICT4Business – a platform for Moldovan ICT companies (or foreign companies interested in the Moldovan market) to communicate with their customers, and showcase their latest services and solutions. The main objective is to develop and educate the domestic market about how technology can help their businesses grow.
* Development4ICT – a platform for CEOs of Moldovan ICT companies and various players of the ICT industry, such as government, clients, counterparts, as well as invited international keynote speakers to communicate on upcoming development challenges for the Moldovan ICT industry both in the country and global context.
* ICT4Professionals – a platform for technology-savvy ICT professionals to learn about latest technology developments, challenges and trends. Short sessions by international and domestic professionals.


Moldova ICT Summit 2010

Moldova ICT Summit 2010 "Empowering Development through information technology" va avea loc pe 30-30 martie în incinta Leogrand Convention Center. Partenerii evenimentului sunt: Asociaţia Companiilor TIC din Moldova, proiectul CEED finanţat de USAID, SEPIA - proiect finanţat de UE, Microsoft Moldova.

Moldova ICT Summit 2010 este un eveniment în premieră pentru industrie, care se axează pe modalităţile de promovare a dezvoltării ţării prin intermediul tehnologiilor informaţionale şi de creare a unei economii bazate pe cunoaştere. Acest eveniment este o reuniune anuală a reprezentanţilor sectorului TIC din Moldova, care vizează în primul rând introducerea şi împărtăşirea inovaţiilor în rîndurile actorilor din sector şi al clienţilor din Moldova. Acest Summit va reuni lideri ai industriei TIC locale, furnizori regionali TIC, reprezentanţi ai Guvernului, profesionişti internaţionali şi clienţii de pe piaţa internă.

Summit-ul va avea trei compartimente majore:

* ICT4Business - o platformă pentru companiile din Moldova în domeniul TIC (sau companii străine interesate de piaţa Moldovei) pentru a comunica cu clienţii lor şi a prezenta cele mai recente servicii şi soluţii. Obiectivul principal este de a dezvolta şi educa piaţa internă cu privire la modul în care tehnologia poate contribui la creşterea afacerilor.
* Development4ICT - o platformă pentru directorii generali ai companiilor TIC din Moldova şi diverşi actori ai industriei TIC, cum ar fi administraţia, clienţii, omologii, precum şi invitaţii internaţionali pentru a comunica cu privire la provocările de dezvoltare viitoare a industriei TIC din Moldova, atât în contextul ţării cît şi la nivel mondial.
* ICT4Professionals - o platformă dedicată profesioniştilor din domeniul TIC pentru a afla despre cele mai recente evoluţii tehnologice, provocări şi tendinţe. Se planifică sesiuni scurte susţinute de către profesionişti internaţionali şi interni.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Peoples-uni a deschis admiterea pentru primul semestru 2010

Peoples-Uni - sistemul deschis de invatamint la distanta in domeniu sanatatii publice, a inceput admiterea pentru semestrul I, 2010.
Sistemul a fost creat pentru a imbunatati acces la invatamint in domeniu sanatatii publice pentru specialisti din tari cu venituri mici si medii. Informatia detaliata si forma de aplicare pot fi gasiti aici.

Peoples-Uni - open source Public Health education initiative is now open for enrollments first semester 2010.
The initiative supports access to Public Health education through e-learning for low to medium income countries. Detailed information and application for can be found here

Monday, March 1, 2010

Documentation on First Southeast European eHealth Networking Conference 03rd – 04th of September 2009

GVG published the proceeds from the First Southeast European eHealth Networking Conference held in Sarajevo, BiH on 03rd – 04th of September 2009, organized with the support of the European Commission (DG INFSO) and the MoH of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

As many as 45 representatives from 12 Southeast European countries and their neighbours participated in the symposium, with the result of overwhelmingly acknowledging for and potential of possible cooperations, knowledge pooling and networking, given the high diversity of initiatives within the participant countries.

Please view and download the full report covering experiences, ideas and contributions, of representatives from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, Montenegro, Hungary, Moldova, Albania, Romania, Italy, Germany, Slovenia.

VIII-th International Conference of Young Researchers

Registration for the VIII-th International Conference of Young Researches, which will take place in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, November 11-12, 2010, is now open. This multidisciplinary meeting became a tradition started in 2003 and add an increasing number of participants from Moldova and abroad.

Conference topics:

Section I, Biological and Medical Sciences;
Section II, Chemical, Agricultural and Ecological Sciences;
Section III, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences;
Section IV, Economical and Juridical Sciences;
Section V, Humanistic and Art Sciences.


Preliminary registration can be done on-line on the conference web page -

The Deadline is October 15, 2010.