Friday, April 29, 2011

New ‘McKinsey on Society’ Platform Shares Best Practices in International Development

McKinsey & Co. has launched an online publication, “McKinsey on Society,” which highlights knowledge, resources and best practices from the work the firm does in the social sector. The first edition encompasses topics from across five practice areas: economic development, education, health, philanthropy and sustainability.

The article "Growth, Colombian Style” showcases how a cross-sector partnership helped orchestrate and support microlevel reforms and innovation, and sped up economic development in the country. "A Development Agenda for Haiti's New Government” offers a glimpse of what will face the new Haitian president as he guides the country’s recovery. "How to Compete & Grow" focuses on the important role developing-country governments have to play in creating an environment for economic growth that is tailored to various industry sectors.

Read more “McKinsey on Society.”

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

UK: HRIS To Disseminate Information On eHealth To Patients

The Scottish Government has commissioned Health Rights Information Scotland (HRIS) to produce a public information leaflet and an animated film clip which looks at eHealth in simple images and plain language from a patient's perspective, explaining complex information quickly and clearly.

As eHealth continues to deliver better, safer care to patients, it becomes equally important to ensure that the public understands how eHealth impacts on the service they receive and the benefits it brings. The information leaflet and animated clip explains what eHealth is, how it benefits both patients and the National Health Service Scotland (NHS), the importance of safety and confidentiality of patient information and what rights patients have about their own information.

The information is being supplied to NHS boards on CD. Boards are expected to display the information on their websites alongside the other HRIS public information leaflets and supply to GP practices. It is worth noting that the leaflet and clip are not intended to replace the NHS Boards' existing privacy notices or the HRIS leaflet 'How the NHS Protects your information'.

Draft storyboards for the film clip, leaflet and info-graphics were user-tested among public focus groups and professional stakeholders with positive results. The information will shortly be available in different formats and languages throughout Scotland.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Centrul de Guvernare Electronică lansează concursul de aplicații tehnologice pentru e-Guvernare, „e-Aplicaţia Ta” » Events / News »

Centrul de Guvernare Electronică lansează concursul de aplicații tehnologice pentru e-Guvernare, e-Aplicaţia Ta”. Scopul concursului este dezvoltarea și promovarea ideilor și aplicațiilor inovatoare de software în domeniul guvernării electronice. Tineri,dezvoltatori TIC, companii mici, organizaţii neguvernamentale sunt încurajați să aplice la concurs.

Dosarele pot fi depuse în perioada 15 aprilie-15 mai 2011, accesând pagina web şi completând formularul de înregistrare on-line. Regulamentul concursului va putea fi descărcat de la aceiași adresă.

Prin intermediul concursului „e-Aplicaţia Ta”, Centrul de Guvernare Electronică doreşte să îmbunătăţească modul în care oamenii interacţionează cu serviciile publice şi informaţiile guvernamentale.

Câștigătorii vor beneficia de premii bănești și cadouri. Ceremonia de premiere va avea loc în cadrul Săptămânii telecomunicațiilor și societății informaționale, desfășurată în perioada 17-19 mai 2011.

Concursul „e-Aplicaţia Ta” este organizat cu suportul USAID, Băncii Mondiale, Asociației naționale a companiilor private din domeniul TIC și altor companii.


Monday, April 11, 2011

eHealthweek 2011

Date and Time: 10 May 2011–12 May 2011
Venue: Budapest, Hungary

Major stakeholders, such as Government decision makers, Industry leaders, Hospital Chief Information Officers, Practitioners and Patient Groups from across Europe will participate in this event. Panel discussions, debates, high level presentations and actual case studies will highlight the eHealth contribution to healthcare delivery. The speakers will share their experience on successful implementations, new trends and challenges in the eHealth sector.

For the first time ever, eHealth Week will feature symposia on innovation-rich subjects such as Ambient Assisted Living; European Innovation Partnerships and a Leaders in Health IT (LHIT) symposia for hospital IT Directors.

eHealth Week 2011 is co-organised by the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the European Commission (EC) and HIMSS Europe (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society Europe).

eHealth Week 2011 will bring together key stakeholders from Europe’s healthcare, from the policy makers, to providers, insurances, research facilities, vendors as well as patient associations. It will host the eHealth Government Initiative, a formal body of healthcare state secretaries aimed at aligning national eHealth systems in Europe.

The last edition of eHealth Week in March 2010 in Barcelona was attended by more than 3,000 delegates and over 100 industry exhibitors, making it the largest pan-European eHealth event ever.

For further information, please go to:
