Friday, September 30, 2011

XVII Международая школа «Современные аспекты телемедицины»

Российская ассоциация телемедицины продолжает прием заявок для участия в работе XVII Международной школы «Современные аспекты телемедицины», которая будет проходить c 22 мая по 1 июня 2012 г. в Москве на базе головного телемедицинского центра ОАО «РЖД» по адресу: Москва, ул. Будайская, д. 2 (станция метро «ВДНХ»). Обучение проводится при поддержке Международной ассоциации телемедицины, Департамента здравоохранения ОАО «РЖД», Центра современных медицинских технологий «СОМЕТ» и кафедры телемедицины Московского государственного медико-стоматологического университета.
В течение 10 дней слушателям школы будет предложен 72-часовой курс теоретических и практических занятий по различным аспектам телемедицины. Занятия проводятся ведущими российскими и зарубежными специалистами. Успешно прошедшие обучение получат соответствующие сертификаты.
Обучение проводится на русском языке. Лекции зарубежных специалистов из Германии, Франции, Норвегии, Италии, США, Канады, Бразилии и других стран будут сопровождаться синхронным переводом. В ходе школы планируется проведение круглых столов по проблемам телемедицины.
Основные направления работы школы указаны в Приложении 1. Расписание занятий будет рассылаться в апреле 2012 г.
Количество слушателей школы – 40 (обусловлено технологией обучения). По состоянию на 22.09.11 свободно 33 места.
Обучение ориентировано на организаторов здравоохранения, специалистов в области дистанционного обучения врачей и IT-специалистов.
В ходе обучения слушатели школы с помощью консультантов должны подготовить и защитить проекты создания телемедицинских центров/ телемедицинских сетей для своих регионов.
Часть лекций проводится на базе видеоконференцсвязи. По этой же технологии будет заслушан ряд докладов российских и зарубежных телемедицинских центров об опыте использования телемедицинских технологий.
Оплата обучения в школе составляет 20.000 руб.
Проживание и питание – за свой счет. Размещение слушателей школы планируется на базе одного из отелей г. Москвы вблизи места обучения.

Для получения места для обучения в школе необходимо прислать заявку, анкету и, получив счет, оплатить обучение до 18.04.2012 г.

Тел. (8-495) 414-79-34; (8-495) 727-22-40l
Видеоконференция: IP

Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) 4th Call for proposals

IMI launches a new set of research and/or training projects every year, in order to support prospective, pre-competitive pharmaceutical research and development. Project participants are recruited through open and competitive Calls for research proposals. The selection of the winning proposals is based on independent peer review and concluded by a Grant Agreement and Project Agreement.

IMI officially launched its 4th Call for proposals on 18 July. The deadline for submitting Expressions of Interest in this first stage of the Call is 18 October 2011. The final list of Call topics is below.

EU Medical Information System

  1. Building up a European Medical Information Framework (EMIF) of patient-level data to support a wide range of medical research.
    This Call theme consists of three topics:
    i. Information Framework / Knowledge Management Service Layer
    ii. Metabolic complications of obesity
    iii. Protective and precipitating markers for the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementias
  2. eTRIKS: European Translational Information & Knowledge Management Services

Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control

  1. Delivery and targeting mechanisms for biological macromolecules
  2. In vivo predictive biopharmaceutics tools for oral drug delivery
  3. Sustainable Chemistry – delivering medicines for the 21st century

Technology and Molecular Disease Understanding

  1. Human Induced Pluripotent Stem (hiPS) Cells for drug discovery and safety assessment
  2. Understanding and optimising binding kinetics in drug discovery

WBC Participation

All Western balkan countries which are associated to the FP7 are eligible to participate the call.

More details on the call: Major information on administrative issues (e.g. type of entities which are eligible, consortium structure, budget for the call, etc. (a. 1000 characters):

Applicants intending to submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) in response to the IMI 4th Call should read the Guide for Applicants, the Call Topics, the Rules for Participation, the Rules for Submission, Evaluation and Selection of EoIs and FPPs, the IMI IPR rules and the IMI JU model Grant Agreement.

Open for Submission of Expression of Interest from 19 September 2011 to 18 October 2011.

The IMI electronic submission tool is to be used for submitting an Expression of Interest in response to a topic of the 4th Call; no other means of submission will be accepted. Updates of the expression of interest may be submitted online until the Call deadline. Only the most recent version shall be considered for the evaluation procedure (including eligibility check).

It is necessary for project coordinators to complete a Request for Access to the IMI JU on-line electronic submission tool. Applicant Consortium Coordinators wishing to submit an Expression of Interest will first be required to complete the request for access in order to receive an URL access link with a login and password to access the IMI electronic submission tool. This access link, password and login will be sent by automatic email on completion of the request for access form.

Further information on the programme (e.g. links to programme website, Rules for Participation, Financial Guidelines, etc.):

In order to access call webpage, please click here.

Please click here for IMI 4th Call for Proposal.

Contact/additional support (e.g. Helpdesk, contact to NCPs in your country, partnering websites if available, further related links, etc.):

For more information, please contact IMI Executive Office:

+32 (0)2-221 81 81 or +32 (0)2-221 81 82


Monday, September 5, 2011

International Conference: "Global ICT industry: changing landscape? - The future of European ICT R&D"

The European Commission's Joint Research Centre - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS, Information Society Unit) is organising an international conference on the changing global ICT industry landscape and future of ICT R&D in Europe to be held on October 19-20 in Brussels. The conference will bring together industry representatives, ICT R&D and innovation analysts, and policy makers, coming from Europe, the USA and Asia.

Main purposes of the conference:

  • Identify and debate trends in the changing global ICT and ICT R&D landscape
  • Debate their impact on the EU ICT industry and consequences for research and innovation location and modes
  • Discuss implications for ICT R&D and innovation policies in Europe

In particular, the conference will address the following topics:

  • Characteristics and trends in global redistribution of the ICT industry:
    • The emergence of a radically new internet/media/telecom ecosystem
    • The increasing role and importance of e-services
    • The importance of ICT manufacturing for Europe's growth
  • What are the drivers for these changes, trends and the possible future scenarios?
  • How do the EU ICT sector and EU companies position themselves in this new landscape and prepare for the future?
  • What challenges and opportunities these raise and offer for European ICT R&D and innovation, for the localisation of ICT R&D and for international ICT R&D and innovation collaboration?
  • What are current and future policy options at European level to address those challenges and opportunities?
For additional information, please visit the event page.