Tuesday, September 28, 2010

O noua promisiune: Medicamentele se vor ieftini cu 40%, la anul / www.stireazilei.md

Ministerul Sanatatii promite preturi reduse la medicamente de la 20% pana la 40% incepand cu 1 ianuarie 2011. Producatorii care vor opera cu alte preturi decat cele din nomeclatorul de stat al medicamentelor vor raspunde penal.

Reducerea pretului va fi posibila abia dupa ce toti producatorii de medicamente, autohtoni si straini, vor depune declaratiile privind preturile la preparate pentru anul viitor la Serviciul de avizare si inregistrare, care functioneaza din 1 septembrie curent. Seful acestui Serviciu, Serghei Cebotari, a spus ca pana in prezent dosare au depus doar 12 producatori din peste 80.

Cebotari a explicat ca fara declaratia respectiva, agentii economici nu vor putea primi autorizatie de importa a medicamentelor.

Seful Serviciului de avizare a mai spus ca la stabilirea pretului la medicamente se va lua in calcul media costurilor acestui produs in 5 tari din UE si alte 3 din CSI.

Adaosurile de depozitare de 15% si cel al farmaciei de 25% vor ramane, a precizat pim-vicedirectorul Agentiei Medicamentului, Maria Cojocaru.

Potrivit functionarei, in perioada iunie-septembrie a fost inregistrata o diminuare de circa 3% la preturile la medicamente.

In nomenclatorul de stat sunt incluse peste 6000 de produse farmaceutice.

O noua promisiune: Medicamentele se vor ieftini cu 40%, la anul / www.stireazilei.md

Thursday, September 23, 2010

2011 doctoral fellows program for Phd Study in the United States & Canada - 2011 doctoral fellows program

2011 doctoral fellows program for Phd Study in the United States & Canada



Network Scholarship Programs (NSP) of the Open Society Institute (OSI) is pleased to announce the 2011 competition for the Doctoral Fellows Program for Moldova and Tajikistan. The Program is designed to provide the highest research & teaching qualifications to individuals positioned to become leading scholars in their disciplines. Upon completion of the degree, fellows are expected to return home to continue or begin academic careers, where they will play an active role in the revitalization and reform of scholarship in the social sciences and humanities.

Up to 12 awards will be offered annually for study in the United States or Canada. Grantees can receive full support for up to 4 years of full-time study. Fellowships are offered in: political science, international relations, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, economics, history, social work, and public health.


For applicant from the Republic of Moldova

XVI Международная школа «Современные аспекты телемедицины»

Российская ассоциация телемедицины проводит прием заявок для участия в работе XVI Международной школы «Современные аспекты телемедицины», которая будет проходить c 24 мая по 3 июня 2011 г. в Москве на базе головного телемедицинского центра ОАО «РЖД» по адресу: Москва, ул. Будайская, д. 2 (станция метро «ВДНХ»). Обучение проводится при поддержке Международной ассоциации телемедицины, Департамента здравоохранения ОАО «РЖД» и Центра современных медицинских технологий «СОМЕТ».
В течение 10 дней слушателям школы будет предложен 72-часовой курс теоретических и практических занятий по телемедицине. Занятия проводятся ведущими российскими и зарубежными специалистами. Успешно прошедшие обучение получат соответствующие сертификаты.
Обучение проводится на русском языке. Лекции зарубежных специалистов из Германии, Франции, Норвегии, Италии, США, Канады и других стран будут сопровождаться синхронным переводом. В ходе школы планируется проведение круглых столов по проблемам использования телемедицинских технологий.
Основные направления работы школы указаны в Приложении 1. Расписание занятий будет рассылаться в апреле.
Количество слушателей школы – 36 (обусловлено технологией обучения).
Обучение ориентировано на организаторов здравоохранения, курирующих создание и работу телемедицинских центров, специалистов в области дистанционного телеобучения врачей и IT-специалистов, обеспечивающих работоспособность оборудования и каналов связи телемедицинского центра.
В ходе обучения слушатели школы с помощью консультантов готовят и защищают проекты телемедицинских центров для своих клиник или телемедицинских сетей для своих регионов/стран.
Часть лекций проводится на базе видеоконференцсвязи. По этой же технологии будет заслушан ряд сообщений российских и зарубежных телемедицинских центров об опыте использования телемедицинских технологий.

Детальная информация и форма заявки (.doc)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Telemedicine and the future of healthcare | Articles | FutureGov - Transforming Government | Education | Healthcare

Thousands of children have benefitted from the telepaediatric service carried out by the University of Queensland’s Centre for Online Health in Brisbane. Dr Anthony Smith, Deputy Director of the Centre, talked to FutureGov about the expanding scope of telemedicine and what it means to the future of healthcare.

“Since the service began in November 2000, more than 10,000 telehealth consultations have been carried out for children living in 97 regional and remote areas in Queensland. This amount of activity makes it the largest telepaediatric service ever reported throughout the world,”...

Telemedicine and the future of healthcare | Articles | FutureGov - Transforming Government | Education | Healthcare

BBC News - Non-emergency 111 health number to be piloted

Trials of a three-digit telephone number for those needing non-emergency medical care in England have been launched in the North East.

NHS County Durham and Darlington Primary Care Trusts are to pilot the free 111 number, to act as an alternative to 999, followed by Nottingham, Lincolnshire and Luton.

The government service will not initially replace NHS Direct, but may do so in the longer term if successful...

BBC News - Non-emergency 111 health number to be piloted

Friday, September 3, 2010

HealthLeaders Media: Patient Portals - The New Platform for Health Communications

Many hospital CEOs recognize the strategic importance of deploying digital technologies. This heightened awareness is driven by the reality that 160 million Americans use the Internet for health information, and two-thirds of physicians use the Internet for clinical information (WebMD). In a 2008 Deloitte Survey of Healthcare Consumers, “60 percent [of respondents] want physicians to provide online access to medical records, test results and online appointment scheduling; one in four said they would pay more for the service.”...

Guest Post: Patient Portals — The New Platform for Health Communications

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Healthcare Workforce Shortages

Investment in health IT workforce is an emerging challenge not only by developed, but by developing countries as well.

"The U.S. health care industry is facing two emerging workforce challenges as it prepares to meet demands both from more patients for more care, and from
consumers and regulators for cost, quality and other reforms. The first is the widely documented shortage of caregivers (see “U.S. Health Care Workforce
Shortages: Caregivers”). The other is a growing shortage of health information technology (HIT) workers that is becoming significant as the industry aims to
expand use of electronic health records (EHR), health information exchanges (HIE) and other HIT tools. Evidence of an HIT workforce shortage is coming from at least two sources..."

CSC_US_Healthcare_Workforce_Shortages_HIT.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Medical News: OMG, Texting No Help 4 Adherence 2 The Pill - in OB/Gyn, General OB/GYN from MedPage Today

Sending text messages to remind women to take their oral contraceptive pills doesn't seem to work, according to researchers...
... Most of the women getting text-message reminders said they would at least consider continuing to use the system (86%) and would even be willing to pay a monthly fee for it (57%).

Every patient in both groups rated remembering to take the pill as highly important (median 10 on a scale in which 10 was "the most important thing she can do to prevent pregnancy").

Medical News: OMG, Texting No Help 4 Adherence 2 The Pill - in OB/Gyn, General OB/GYN from MedPage Today