Saturday, December 24, 2011

OECD International Conference: Attaining and Sustaining Mass Higher Education

This conference will take place from 17-19 September 2012 in the OECD headquarters in Paris, France. It constitutes a unique opportunity for policy makers, institutional managers, civil society representatives and academic researchers to be part of a showcase for a high level audience.

The IMHE biennial General Conference is IMHE's standout event, attracting around 500 participants comprised of higher education policy makers, institutional leaders and academic experts. Notable speakers and stimulating sessions provide an opportunity for members and non-members to share their views and ideas, discuss relevant topics and forthcoming trends, as well as network.

The topics of the conference include:

  • The Globalisation of Higher Education
  • Funding & Financing
  • Quality & Accountability
  • System Management & Institutional Diversity
  • Exploiting Technology for Learning
  • The Academic Workforce

The conference will seek to identify longer-term trends and will include analyses of national and institutional policies, case studies and the latest research from the OECD and elsewhere.

To make a submission, go to

For further questions, please contact:

Call for papers: The deadline for the call for papers has been extended until 4 January 2012.

Source: OECDdirect E-mail Alerts

20th NISPAcee Annual Conference: Public Administration East and West: Twenty Years of Development (23 May 2012)

The annual conferences of NISPAcee focus on a significant theme, which facilitates a better understanding of important issues regarding the administrative development and policymaking capacity in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The conferences include experts, scholars and practitioners who work in the field of public administration in Central and Eastern Europe (including all countries covered by NISPAcee's membership, the Russian Federation, Caucasus and Central Asia), as well as from many other regions and countries of the world.

The conference takes place in Ohrid, FYR of Macedonia, May 23 -26, 2012, deadline for online registration for the conference is March 31, 2012.

More information
on the event you may find on the conference page:

Online registration: - via the NISPAcee Secretariat - Deadline: March 31, 2012

The preliminary schedule of the conference programme is available from mid December 2011.
The papers accepted for the presentation will be added to the sessions of the conference within January 2011.

Source: e-mail by
NISPAcee (The Network of Institutes and Schools of PA in CEE)
Polianky 5 840 02 Bratislava 42, Slovak Republic
Tel: +421-2-6428 5558, Tel/Fax: +421-2-6428 5557

Conference: EUROPE 2020 - Towards Innovative and Inclusive Union (17 May 2012)

University American College Skopje holds the sixth annual academic research conference on European integration "EUROPE 2020: Towards Innovative and Inclusive Union" on Thursday May 17, 2012.

Prolonged multiple crises in the past years have provoked ever more people to question the viability of the basics of European integration. This inter- and multi-disciplinary one-day conference seeks to analyze the different components of European political and institutional architecture in search for sustainable solutions to the current fundamental challenges of the European Union. Researchers are invited for multidimensional and cross-sectional examinations of the key drivers behind the negative trends in the various areas from finance, economy, social cohesion and environment to education, media and culture. The basic point of departure is our belief that the nations of Europe possess the capabilities to reshape the Union by 2020 and reinvent the attractiveness of the EU model, which is so far considered the most successful instance of economic and political integration in the history of humankind.

Major issues to be addressed include:

  • Federal Europe based on deeper political integration and common economic governance as a solution to the debt and Euro crises vs. revival of economic nationalisms on the continent;
  • Creation of a society of knowledge as a developmental priority;
  • Improving higher education policies in order to cope with the new challenges and global competition;
  • Sustaining information society and reducing the digital gap within Europe as a prerequisite for wider integration;
  • Making multicultural practices an asset, not an obstacle towards building more inclusive communities;
  • Euro-scepticism as a by-product of political (un)accountability and poor delivery of EU institutions, enlargement fatigue of EU members and transitional fatigue of would be members;
  • Western Balkan countries between domestic reform inertia and distracted EU;
  • Social cohesion, marginalized human resources and gender aspects in the time of crisis.

Comparative case studies and research-based policy recommendations are encouraged, including but not limited to those concerning the countries of South East Europe.

By tradition, key speakers and high level officials from the country and from abroad are invited to address the conference.

Accommodation expenses will be covered by the University American College Skopje on as-needed basis only for a limited number of selected presenters who need to submit a bursary form.

For abstract & paper guidelines, conference programme and other updates please visit our web page:

Structural Frameworks for Open, Digital Research – Strategy, Policy & Infrastructure; International conference & workshop (11 –13 June 2012)

The Digital Agenda for Europe has set sail along as one of the seven flagships of the European Commission under the header of Europe 2020. The agenda calls to unite European research infrastructures backed by several recent reports. Many different individuals and organisations have each their piece of the overall infrastructural jigsaw puzzle that needs to be assembled before scientific and cultural information and data can be managed, shared and re-used more openly and efficiently. The conference aims to bring these stakeholders together and move closer to a coherent vision for the needed action ahead.

Conference segments:

  • Infrastructure & research output / Introductory speaker: prof. dr. Søren Brunak, Denmark's Technical University
  • Organisation & collaboration / Introductory speakers: dr. Liz Lyon, director UKOLN & dr. Andrew Treloar, director ANDS
  • Policy & strategy / Introductory speaker: prof. dr. Sverker Holmgren, Uppsala University and programme director for NordForsk eScience global initiative

Important dates:

  • December (primo): Conference web site operational
  • December (primo): Call for participation and 5-minute madness sessions
  • December (ultimo): Registration open
  • January: Official programme

A preliminary programme and invitation can be downloaded in pdf HERE.

More information is available here:

Sunday, December 11, 2011

EC announces new Health for Growth programme

The EC has announced a new Health for Growth Programme for 2014-2020, which will support and aid delivery of actions that encourage innovation in health. The proposed budget for the programme is €446 million. Its four key aims are to: develop innovative and sustainable health systems; increase access to better and safer healthcare; promote health and the prevention of disease; and protect citizens from cross-border health threats.

Areas in which further action is expected include co-operation on rare diseases at European level to improve prevention, diagnosis and treatment for patients with rare diseases across the EU. Cancer prevention and control will also be a key element of the programme, with an emphasis on the introduction of EU-wide screening guidelines and the exchange of knowledge and best practice on cancer research, prevention and care. Also included will be co-operation on health technology assessment (HTA) through the establishment of an EU-wide voluntary network of Member States‟ HTA agencies. The programme will now be discussed by the European Parliament and Council of Ministers, with a view to adoption by the end of 2013 in time for a start date at the beginning of 2014.

Further details of the new programme are available from the Growth for Health 2014-2020 website:

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Technologies for Sustainable Development: A Way to Reduce Poverty?

As a UNESCO Chair in Technologies for Development, the Cooperation & Development Center (CODEV) has the pleasure to announce that an international conference concerning Technologies for Sustainable Development: A Way to Reduce Poverty? (Tech4Dev 2012) will take place at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland on 29-31 May, 2012.


Conference Guiding Themes

- "Appropriate Technology"? Needs and Participation
- Towards a Sustainable Integrated Development? Partnerships and Systems
- Technology: Transfer or Co-Creation? Knowledge Sharing and Empowerment


Whilst scientific research can be crucial in guiding innovation and development throughout the world it remains often too detached from reality, particularly in developing and emerging countries. Thus, the challenge is to link scientific research and development practices in order to develop a win-win situation in which science and technologies can assist practitioners as well as reply to social needs.

The conference will look at how science and technologies can support both sustainable development in developing and emerging countries and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as defined by the United Nations in 2000. It will bring researchers and practitioners together in order to bridge the gap between the two communities, focusing on collaboration, methodologies, instruments and policies that could be used and/or encouraged. The possibility of a universal tool and policies for science, technology and innovation that could be of assistance in future collaborations will also be introduced.

The conference will offer unique opportunities for the acquisition of skills, information-sharing and networking and will be conducive to:

- Improving research adapted to the beneficiaries;
- Enhancing research practices;
- Developing better integrated and interdisciplinary research;
- Involving professional and practitioners in these efforts.


- To allow new multidisciplinary and international partnerships among researchers and knowledge users (including NGOs, private sector, public collectivities, international organizations, etc.).
- To drive new research projects and training programs with a focus on improving the appropriation of technologies for sustainable development and poverty reduction.
- To increase the awareness of knowledge exchange and participatory approaches by bringing researchers and knowledge users together at the initial stages of the definitions of research questions.
- To set new directions for research, knowledge and capacity development needs related to sustainable technologies.

Expected Outcomes

- Identification of 10 gaps and needs for field applications to allow more effective exchange of knowledge. A statement will be finalized in the last session and published on the webpage of the UNESCO Chair.
- Identification/valorization of flagship research projects – as best practices /examples to show how both the advancement of development and science can indeed be inclusive – (best practices in terms of their added value regarding methods, multidisciplinary approach, development impact, innovation, establishment of partnerships in a transdiciplinary way - i.e., involvement of stakeholders from diverse sectors such as civil societies, international organizations, decision makers, private sector, etc.)
- A selection of the best papers presented at the conference will be subject to a further peer-review with a view to publication in an edited volume by Springer-Verlag.
- Propose at least two new projects in collaboration with EPFL, NGOs, developing countries and beneficiaries.

Who Should Attend?

- Innovative, talented researchers (doctorates, post-doctorates, students, etc.) and practitioners (private sector, public collectivities, representatives from NGO or international organizations) eager to share their research and project outcomes in order to bridge the gap between the two communities for realistic solutions to the real world challenges.
- In order for the conference to be as inclusive and as diverse as possible, participants from developing or emerging countries are strongly encouraged to attend. To alleviate cost constraints, the Chair may award some financial assistance to support attendance and travel needs of candidates whose abstracts have been selected and who are scheduled to present their work at the conference >> See section on Financial Support.

Conference website:

Related resources

Call for Abstracts for the 2nd International Conference of the UNESCO Chair Technologies for Development [news]

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Catalogue of research groups from the Republic of Moldova published

In the Catalogue of research groups from the Republic of Moldova you can find descriptions of competences and contact details of reserach groups, willing to foster partnerships in order to take part in FP7 projects. The document is structured along the lines of FP7 priorities and sub-programmes.

The Catalogue of Research Groups from Moldova has been published in 2011 in the framework of a project titled “Establishment of an infrastructure which encourages the efficient participation of the scientific community from Moldova in the Seventh Framework Programme”.

The project has been implemented with the support of the Supreme Council for Science and Technological Development of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (CSSDT of ASM), the Department of European Integration and International Cooperation of ASM, the Institute of European Integration and Political Sciences of ASM, and the Network of the National Contact Points (NCPs) of the Seventh Framework Programe in Moldova.

1CatalogueofresearchgroupsfromMoldova2011-1.pdf (3.02M)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Science in Society brochure published

The Science in Society programme has published a brochure given practical information on the latest call for Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MML) Action Plans on Societal Challenges. The leaflet explains the type of partners that are expected to participate (including local authorities, research funding agencies, education establishments and businesses), along with the type of activities that they are supposed to undertake as part of the action plan. These might include involving citizens and civil society at different stages of research, making knowledge accessible, capacity-building and training, or exploring ethical issues.

The call invites proposals for MML Action Plans in three areas, or ‘specific challenges’. The first is in Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in Synthetic Biology, and encompasses the issue of regulatory challenges including new risk assessment needs, biosecurity and dual use monitoring, and intellectual property rights. The second specific challenge deals with RRI in Human Enhancement, looking at the policy issues connected with human enhancement technologies which have the potential to enhance the physical, cognitive and emotional abilities and performance. The third specific challenge looks at healthy and active ageing, which requires the collaboration and coordination of the various actors involved in order to facilitate social innovation. The deadline for the MML call is 22 February 2012, and it has a budget of €12 million to fund three proposals.

The brochure is attached below.

Source: UKRO - European RTD Insight (October 2011)


- Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MML) Action Plans on Societal Challenges (636.96K)

The Republic of Moldova joins FP7 - EU Research Programme

The European Union and Moldova have forged closer ties on research and innovation on October 11, 2011. Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science and Gheorghe Duca, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the association of Moldova to the EU's Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7).
This will allow Moldovan scientists, research institutes, universities and companies to collaborate with their counterparts across Europe in key research areas, while strengthening their own research expertise and capacity. In practice they will compete for research funding on an equal footing with counterparts in EU Member States.

In return Moldova with make a contribution to the overall FP7 budget, calculated on the basis of its GDP. The Republic of Moldova will be the 14th country associated to FP7.

Read more in English or in Romanian.


Friday, September 30, 2011

XVII Международая школа «Современные аспекты телемедицины»

Российская ассоциация телемедицины продолжает прием заявок для участия в работе XVII Международной школы «Современные аспекты телемедицины», которая будет проходить c 22 мая по 1 июня 2012 г. в Москве на базе головного телемедицинского центра ОАО «РЖД» по адресу: Москва, ул. Будайская, д. 2 (станция метро «ВДНХ»). Обучение проводится при поддержке Международной ассоциации телемедицины, Департамента здравоохранения ОАО «РЖД», Центра современных медицинских технологий «СОМЕТ» и кафедры телемедицины Московского государственного медико-стоматологического университета.
В течение 10 дней слушателям школы будет предложен 72-часовой курс теоретических и практических занятий по различным аспектам телемедицины. Занятия проводятся ведущими российскими и зарубежными специалистами. Успешно прошедшие обучение получат соответствующие сертификаты.
Обучение проводится на русском языке. Лекции зарубежных специалистов из Германии, Франции, Норвегии, Италии, США, Канады, Бразилии и других стран будут сопровождаться синхронным переводом. В ходе школы планируется проведение круглых столов по проблемам телемедицины.
Основные направления работы школы указаны в Приложении 1. Расписание занятий будет рассылаться в апреле 2012 г.
Количество слушателей школы – 40 (обусловлено технологией обучения). По состоянию на 22.09.11 свободно 33 места.
Обучение ориентировано на организаторов здравоохранения, специалистов в области дистанционного обучения врачей и IT-специалистов.
В ходе обучения слушатели школы с помощью консультантов должны подготовить и защитить проекты создания телемедицинских центров/ телемедицинских сетей для своих регионов.
Часть лекций проводится на базе видеоконференцсвязи. По этой же технологии будет заслушан ряд докладов российских и зарубежных телемедицинских центров об опыте использования телемедицинских технологий.
Оплата обучения в школе составляет 20.000 руб.
Проживание и питание – за свой счет. Размещение слушателей школы планируется на базе одного из отелей г. Москвы вблизи места обучения.

Для получения места для обучения в школе необходимо прислать заявку, анкету и, получив счет, оплатить обучение до 18.04.2012 г.

Тел. (8-495) 414-79-34; (8-495) 727-22-40l
Видеоконференция: IP

Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) 4th Call for proposals

IMI launches a new set of research and/or training projects every year, in order to support prospective, pre-competitive pharmaceutical research and development. Project participants are recruited through open and competitive Calls for research proposals. The selection of the winning proposals is based on independent peer review and concluded by a Grant Agreement and Project Agreement.

IMI officially launched its 4th Call for proposals on 18 July. The deadline for submitting Expressions of Interest in this first stage of the Call is 18 October 2011. The final list of Call topics is below.

EU Medical Information System

  1. Building up a European Medical Information Framework (EMIF) of patient-level data to support a wide range of medical research.
    This Call theme consists of three topics:
    i. Information Framework / Knowledge Management Service Layer
    ii. Metabolic complications of obesity
    iii. Protective and precipitating markers for the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementias
  2. eTRIKS: European Translational Information & Knowledge Management Services

Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control

  1. Delivery and targeting mechanisms for biological macromolecules
  2. In vivo predictive biopharmaceutics tools for oral drug delivery
  3. Sustainable Chemistry – delivering medicines for the 21st century

Technology and Molecular Disease Understanding

  1. Human Induced Pluripotent Stem (hiPS) Cells for drug discovery and safety assessment
  2. Understanding and optimising binding kinetics in drug discovery

WBC Participation

All Western balkan countries which are associated to the FP7 are eligible to participate the call.

More details on the call: Major information on administrative issues (e.g. type of entities which are eligible, consortium structure, budget for the call, etc. (a. 1000 characters):

Applicants intending to submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) in response to the IMI 4th Call should read the Guide for Applicants, the Call Topics, the Rules for Participation, the Rules for Submission, Evaluation and Selection of EoIs and FPPs, the IMI IPR rules and the IMI JU model Grant Agreement.

Open for Submission of Expression of Interest from 19 September 2011 to 18 October 2011.

The IMI electronic submission tool is to be used for submitting an Expression of Interest in response to a topic of the 4th Call; no other means of submission will be accepted. Updates of the expression of interest may be submitted online until the Call deadline. Only the most recent version shall be considered for the evaluation procedure (including eligibility check).

It is necessary for project coordinators to complete a Request for Access to the IMI JU on-line electronic submission tool. Applicant Consortium Coordinators wishing to submit an Expression of Interest will first be required to complete the request for access in order to receive an URL access link with a login and password to access the IMI electronic submission tool. This access link, password and login will be sent by automatic email on completion of the request for access form.

Further information on the programme (e.g. links to programme website, Rules for Participation, Financial Guidelines, etc.):

In order to access call webpage, please click here.

Please click here for IMI 4th Call for Proposal.

Contact/additional support (e.g. Helpdesk, contact to NCPs in your country, partnering websites if available, further related links, etc.):

For more information, please contact IMI Executive Office:

+32 (0)2-221 81 81 or +32 (0)2-221 81 82


Monday, September 5, 2011

International Conference: "Global ICT industry: changing landscape? - The future of European ICT R&D"

The European Commission's Joint Research Centre - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS, Information Society Unit) is organising an international conference on the changing global ICT industry landscape and future of ICT R&D in Europe to be held on October 19-20 in Brussels. The conference will bring together industry representatives, ICT R&D and innovation analysts, and policy makers, coming from Europe, the USA and Asia.

Main purposes of the conference:

  • Identify and debate trends in the changing global ICT and ICT R&D landscape
  • Debate their impact on the EU ICT industry and consequences for research and innovation location and modes
  • Discuss implications for ICT R&D and innovation policies in Europe

In particular, the conference will address the following topics:

  • Characteristics and trends in global redistribution of the ICT industry:
    • The emergence of a radically new internet/media/telecom ecosystem
    • The increasing role and importance of e-services
    • The importance of ICT manufacturing for Europe's growth
  • What are the drivers for these changes, trends and the possible future scenarios?
  • How do the EU ICT sector and EU companies position themselves in this new landscape and prepare for the future?
  • What challenges and opportunities these raise and offer for European ICT R&D and innovation, for the localisation of ICT R&D and for international ICT R&D and innovation collaboration?
  • What are current and future policy options at European level to address those challenges and opportunities?
For additional information, please visit the event page.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Pagina-web ISfTeH on-line

Societatea Internationala pentru Telemedicina si e-Sanatate a lantat pagina-web noua cu functii extinse.

Va rugam sa vizitati pentru mai multe detalii

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Opportunities for doing Health research in Third Countries. Access4EU info-session

On June 9, 2011 two info-sessions took place in Brussels, both with the aim to promote the opportunities for European researchers of doing Health research in Third Countries.

The first info-session was part of the official programme of the FP7 Health Infoday organised by the European Commission. During the parallel session on international cooperation chaired by Mr Indridi Benediktsson (European Commission, DG RTD, Directorate Health Horizontal Aspects and Coordination), representatives of 8 Third Countries presented the research and innovation programmes in their respective countries. The second info-session was organised in cooperation with eight Access4EU projects at Crowne Plaza Europa Hotels. In total, over 90 people participated at this Access4EU dissemination and networking event.

From 17.00h onwards, participants already had the opportunity to meet the country representatives at dedicated 'country tables' and discuss the possibilities for cooperation. At 18.00h, a series of eight 10-minute presentations was initiated. After a quick welcome by Mr Ben Kubbinga (Agency for the Promotion of European Research), Mr Philippe Froissard (European Commission, DG RTD, International Cooperation Projects) explained the rationale behind the Access4EU initiative. Subsequently, the following speakers presented the research opportunities in their respective countries: Mr Gerd Ruecker for Australia, Ms Sharon Irwin for Canada, Mr R.P. Singh for India, Ms Karla Falloon for New Zealand, Ms Natalia Mielech for Russia, Ms Sinead Quigley for South Korea, Mr Iqbal Parker for South Africa and Mr David Bruce Conn for the USA.
Agenda, list of participants and presentations and further information are available at Access4EU web site.

Conference "Challenge Social Innovation"

The European Conference "Challenge Social Innovation" will take place from September 19 until September 21, 2011 at Tech Gate Vienna in Austria.

Conference "Challenge Social Innovation":

What does Social Innovation mean today? How can research sustain Social Innovation? What can the Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) contribute?

These are some of the topics which will be discussed during the International Scientific Conference “Challenge Social Innovation – Innovating innovation by research – 100 years after Schumpeter” including a NET4SOCIETY Networking event pertaining to the SSH Call for Proposals 2012. The event conference will take place from 19th to 21st September in Vienna. A series of sessions will take place over three days, moving from policy discussion and debate to FP7 networking and engagement.

There will be key-note speeches by renowned researchers and practitioners in the field, from Europe as well as from Canada, the USA, South America, and South-east Asia (Japan, South Korea). Confirmed speakers include Denis Harrison (University of Montreal), Kriss Deiglmeier (CSI Stanford), Antonella Noya (OECD), and Uwe Schneidewind (Wuppertal Institute).

A focused networking session will take place on 21st September, providing information on the upcoming call for proposals FP7-SSH-2012, launching in summer 2011. SSH researchers and stakeholders (universities, research institutions, civil society organizations and SMEs) will have the opportunity to meet both potential coordinators and potential project partners in a structured networking environment.

This event will give you the unique opportunity to build consortia for the next Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities call in FP7.

Challenge Social Innovation is an event co-organized by NET4SOCIETY (the Network of Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities National Contact Points) through the support of the European Commission, the Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna and the Dortmund University of Technology.

More details can be found at

NBiS-2011: The 14-th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems in Albania

The 14th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS) will be held at Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania from September 7 to 9, 2011.

The event is held in conjunction with the EIDWT-2011: The 2-nd International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies.

The International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS) started as an International workshop in 1998, which was held in Vienna, Austria in conjunction with DEXA International Conference. From 1998, NBiS had been held successfully every year and high quality papers are presented. After the 9-th NBiS, which was held at Krakow, Poland in 2006, NBiS was promoted to an International Conference and the 10-th NBiS was held in Regensburg, Germany in 2007 as International Conference. NBiS is becoming a very important event for network research community and is improved every year in quality and quantity. The NBiS International Conference is going around the world in all continents. NBIS-2009 was held in Indianapolis, USA and NBiS -2010 was held in Takayama, Japan.

The 14-th NBiS will be held at Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania from September 7 to 9, 2011.

The main objective of NBiS is to bring together researchers from both network systems and information systems with the aim of encouraging the exchange of ideas and experience between these two communities. It will represent an international forum to give an overview of the most recent trends. In the past decade, our network infrastructure has undergone radical changes. It has evolved from a small number of interconnected computer networks to a global socio-technical infrastructure, where people communicate and interact spontaneously in cyber space and with the cyber physical world, create content and share knowledge over a network of heterogeneous networks. In the future, global society will increasingly rely on socio-technical networks designed in harmony with societal values and economic viability, with enhanced security, privacy, resilience, availability and manageability, and the ability to incorporate as yet unforeseen technologies, applications and services.

Future networks should be available anytime and anywhere, be accessible from any communication device, require little or no management overhead, be resilient to failures and malicious attacks, and be trustworthy for all types of communication. They must be able to evolve over time to incorporate new technologies, support new classes of applications, and meet new requirements and challenges. They also need to accommodate growth and unforeseen changes across many dimensions, including traffic load, network size and topology, physical link characteristics, different types of applications, and heterogeneity, without significant performance degradation.

The conference scope ranges from home networks with numerous "smart" appliances to enterprise networks, core networks, and application-level networks.

The NBiS-2011 seeks original contributions in all relevant areas, including but not limited to the following topics.


-Communication Networks and Protocols
-Grid Computing Infrastructures
-P2P Networks and Applications
-Ubiquitous Computing Applications
-Pervasive Computing and Applications
-Autonomic Computing and Applications
-Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
-Sensor Networks
-Ad Hoc Networks
-Sensor and Actor Networks
-High-Speed Networks
-Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
-Routing Algorithms
-Scheduling, Resource Discovery and Allocation
-Interoperable Systems
-Distributed Object-Oriented Systems
-Databases and Data Mining
-Social Networks
-Network Security and Privacy
-Web and Internet Applications
-Electronic Commerce
-Networking Multimedia Systems and Applications
-Intelligent Information Systems
-Bio-inspired information systems
-Distance Learning Systems
-Eco Distributed Systems.

Further information:

ICT Spring Europe 2011

ICT Spring is a worldwide two days event (June 28 to 29) which brings together more than 1.500 ICT executives from Europe, America, Africa and Asia. ICT spring focuses on Innovation and its lifecycle. During two days, ICT executives will attend conferences, workshops, business speed-dating sessions and high-level meetings which will give them an opportunity to network and exchange with the brightest worldwide minds of the industry, being informed of the last ICT issues and technologies on a worldwide scale.

ICT key markets’ latest available revolutions will be unveiled and the upcoming ICT topics will be discussed (more than 140 demos of 10’ and 4 keynotes and panels in plenary sessions).

The Trade Fair part of the event will also give concrete examples of those innovations and business opportunities through 5 different “villages” (Online Business & Gaming, Infrastructure & Telecom, Funding & Finance, Cloud & e-Hosted Solutions, Advisory & Consulting) gathering firms’ stands through each innovation steps: R&D, Startups, Funding /Private Equity, Business Partners & Applications, Market & Strategic Consulting.

Start-ups will be the stars of the show. Coming from all continents, 80 startups will be invited to present the last innovations and tomorrows services used by professionals and consumers.

For details, please see:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Medicina viitorului în Moldova

Programare la medic de la calculatorul de acasă, diagnosticare on-line sau sfaturi despre cum să-ţi menţii sănătatea direct pe telefonul tău mobil - sunt realităţi în spaţiul european, care în R. Moldova sunt doar la nivel de intenţie. Serviciile de eSănătate au menirea să asigure calitatea prestării serviciilor, reducerea timpului de aşteptare pentru pacienţi precum şi economisirea unor surse importante de bani. Conform Planului Ministerului Sănătăţii (MS), pentru anul 2011 se prevede elaborarea compartimentului de eSănătate în Strategia Naţională de edificare a Societăţii Informaţionale „Moldova electronică-2”. Potrivit lui Oleg Lozan, preşedintele „Telemedicina” din R. Moldova, reprezentantul MS pentru eTransformare, paşi concreţi în sănătatea susţinută de tehnologiile informaţionale ar putea fi realizaţi până la sfârşitul anului curent.

In continuare, cititi pe

Thursday, June 9, 2011

How Mobile Phones Are Saving Lives in the Developing World

The Global Innovation Series is supported by BMW i, a new concept dedicated to providing mobility solutions for the urban environment. It delivers more than purpose-built electric vehicles — it delivers smart mobility services. Visit or follow @BMWi on Twitter.

You text your friends, you call your mom, you use your smartphone to upload pictures of your day-to-day life. But did you know your phone has a higher purpose? Even if it’s just a Nokia “candy bar” phone or a flip-phone, that handheld piece of machinery can save lives. And there are startups all over the world that are innovating and creating new technologies that will change the global health landscape in dramatic ways. Read on for two promising startups that are equipping health care workers in developing nations with souped-up cellphones, and helping them treat more patients, faster.

To read the entire article, go to:

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Join the International Conference on Global Health

What will the world's population look like in 20 years?

If current demographic changes continue, more people will live in cities, population growth will have slowed except in Africa, and the average age will be older in most parts of the world. These trends will result in changes in the burden of disease, most notably a transition from infectious to noncommunicable diseases, from acute to chronic diseases. What are the changing needs in health care systems to address long-term medical needs? What are the comorbidities between infectious and noncommunicable diseases? What are the lessons learned from the response to infectious diseases that can be applied to finding solutions to this additional burden?

In this increasingly interconnected and interdependent world, health is everybody's business. Click here to register for the Global Health Council's 38th Annual International Conference on Global Health, June 13-17 in Washington, D.C., and learn how you can be part of the solution.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ли Куан Ю: «Все должны учить английский, а родной язык должен стать вторым языком»

Ли Кван Ю: «Моей тактикой всегда было недооценивать свои будущие достижения и достигать большего, чем то, что я обещал»

Вчера 87-летний создатель «сингапурского чуда» и один из самых ярких политиков эпохи Ли Куан Ю объявил об уходе с поста министра-ментора Сингапура. После 30 лет правления страной в должности премьер-министра и семи лет в роли наставника правительства Ли уходит, чтобы «дать дорогу молодым». За эти годы ему удалось превратить Сингапур из бедной рыбацкой деревушки без доступа к каким-либо природным ресурсам в процветающее государство, где практически отсутствует коррупция, а население — одно из самых благополучных и образованных в мире.

В последние годы Ли Куан Ю часто приезжал в Россию. Несколько лет назад президенту школы Сколково Рубену Варданяну удалось убедить министра-ментора войти в попечительский совет еще даже не построенной школы. И теперь Ли Куан Ю охотно приезжает в Москву и выступает перед студентами Сколково, вручает им студенческие билеты и дает советы.

«Ты говоришь по-китайски?» — спросил меня Ли Куан Ю на одной из таких встреч. В 50-х годах прошлого столетия Сингапуру удалось совершить рывок в развитии благодаря настойчивому стремлению Ли Куан Ю сделать английский язык основным в своей стране. Теперь, когда большинство сингапурцев свободно общаются между собой по-английски, Ли Куан Ю все чаще говорит о необходимости учить китайский язык и активно вводит его в местных школах. Отчасти этим был обусловлен и мой выбор стартапа — к мнению Ли Куан Ю стоит прислушаться.

У Ли Куан Ю есть чему поучиться не только студентам бизнес-школы, но и многим российским политикам и чиновникам. Он неравнодушен к России и верит в ее будущее. Но предупреждает, что нам «нужно запастись терпением».

Несмотря на преклонный возраст, Ли Куан Ю сохраняет поразительную ясность и информированность в деталях о том, что происходит сейчас в мире, в том числе и в России. Ну и, конечно, у него отличное чувство юмора, которое позволяет ему моментально расположить к себе аудиторию. Хочется надеяться, что здоровье позволит ему приехать к нам еще не раз.

Ну а ниже я предлагаю прочитать выдержку из его встречи со студентами Сколково.

— Кто в вашей жизни оказал на вас самое большое влияние?

— Я хотел стать хорошим, преуспевающим юристом. Чтобы стать юристом в стране, которой правят британцы, где все судьи и прокуроры — британцы, мне пришлось стать таким же британцем, выучить британский английский, я учился в университетах и лучших юридических школах. По возвращении на родину я поступил на работу в британскую юридическую школу. Спустя какое-то время я стал работать с профсоюзами, потом выиграл на выборах, а мой босс проиграл. Он сказал мне, лучше бы тебе уйти, и я сразу превратился из младшего партнера в безработного.

После этого я основал собственную фирму вместе с одним из своих близких друзей. Я начал лучше разбираться в деле, изучать новые технологии. Необходимо интересно представить ваше дело, тогда люди будут вас слушать. Все время учишься чему-то новому. Потом я занялся политикой.

— Вы один из наиболее успешных борцов с коррупцией. Насколько это выполнимая задача?

Мы — необычное государство. Оно было достаточно коррумпированным до того, как мы пришли к власти. До этого у нас заправляли британцы. Они делились властью с местными министрами и во время переходного периода наделяли их все большими полномочиями. Эта передача власти со временем стала все чаще сопровождаться взяточничеством — подарки, еще подарки, потом деньги и т. д.

Когда мы пришли к власти, мы решили положить этому конец — иначе мы не смогли бы выжить. Наши соседи обладают огромными ресурсами — нефтью, газом, лесом, у них есть реки и гидроэлектростанции. Мы всего лишь небольшой остров. Как нам выжить? Мы должны были начать жить по другим принципам: ты взяточник, а я нет, ваша экономика малоэффективна, а у нас все наоборот. В вашей стране небезопасно жить, а в нашей безопасно. Женщина может решить сделать пробежку в три часа ночи, и ей ничего не угрожает. Как мы добились всего этого? Прежде всего мы дали людям понять, что, если мы не пойдем своим собственным путем, мы не выживем.

У нас нет ни нефти, ни газа, но у нас есть крупнейший нефтеперерабатывающий и нефтехимический комплекс во всем регионе. У нас работают все крупнейшие компании. Почему? Благодаря стабильности, сохранности инвестиций, эффективности и надежности. Я приведу пример. В 1973 году арабские страны ввели нефтяное эмбарго, чтобы выразить протест против того, что США поддерживают Израиль. Все эти страны разом заявили, что вся нефть в нефтехранилищах, принадлежащая другим людям, на самом деле принадлежит им и ее нельзя продавать.

Я решил, что, если мы хотим процветания, не надо вмешиваться в этот конфликт. Я позвонил нефтяникам и сказал: если вы собираетесь вести дела как прежде и если вы считаете, что потери должны распределяться на всех — все будут получать только часть того, что получали раньше, — мы готовы разделить эту позицию.

Они не забыли об этом. Сегодня, во время рецессии, инвестиции ExxonMobil в Сингапур составляют $12 млрд, до того как Exxon поглотила Mobil, они составляли $6 млрд. Они собираются дополнительно инвестировать $4,5 млрд, таким образом, общая сумма инвестиций составит $16,5 млрд.

Почему это происходит? Потому что они уверены, что мы не откажемся от своих обязательств. России после того, что произошло с западными нефтяными компаниями, понадобится много времени, чтобы этого достичь. Я не пытаюсь судить, кто был прав, а кто виноват. Я говорю о том, что, когда мы подписываем контракт, мы тщательно изучаем его условия. Мы либо подписываем его, либо нет. Но если мы подписали его, мы обязаны выполнять его условия, какими бы они ни были.

Необходимо доверие, необходимо признавать тот факт, что в результате сделки вы можете оказаться в проигрыше, но в долгосрочной перспективе вы выйдете победителем.

Далее, читайте на:

Friday, May 20, 2011

Public Consultation on the eHealth Action Plan for 2012-2020

The European Commission has been investing in eHealth research for over 20 years. Since 2004, it has been developing targeted policy initiatives aimed at fostering widespread adoption of eHealth technologies across the EU. A public consultation is now open until May 25, 2011.

In 2010, the flagship initiatives Digital Agenda for Europe and Innovation Union were launched as part of the EU's "Europe 2020" strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Both flagships incorporate an important role for eHealth: the Digital Agenda for Europe includes a number of targeted eHealth actions and goals as part of a wider strategy towards sustainable healthcare and ICT-based support for dignified and independent living. The Innovation Union strategy, introduces the concept of a pilot European Innovation Partnership on active and healthy ageing, which will be launched in 2011.

Questionaire open to all interested stakeholders

The consultation questionnaire forms part of the European Commission's official public consultation process. Wide consultation is one of the Commission’s duties according to the Treaties and helps to ensure that proposals put to the legislature are sound. By fulfilling its duty to consult, the Commission ensures that its proposals are technically viable, practically workable and based on a bottom-up approach. This serves a dual purpose by helping to improve the quality of the policy outcome and at the same time enhancing the involvement of interested parties and the public at large.

The questionnaire is open to all interested stakeholders and aims at understanding if the proposed policy objectives are in line with the aims, objectives and expectations of stakeholders. It further aims to examine if there are additional areas which require further development in the context of the action plan.

The public consultation is open for 8 weeks (from 31st March to 25th May 2011 16:00 Brussels time). Following this, the results of the consultation will be analysed, published on this page, and taken into consideration in drafting a policy document setting out an Action plan for eHealth, which is planned to be adopted by the Commission in 4Q 2011.

The Commission invites all interested parties to submit their contributions in response to the questions raised in the questionnaire.

The systems allows you to work online during 90 minutes and closes automatically (be aware that in such case no recovery is possible) so, to get an overview of- and to prepare your answers to the questionnaire you can download the pdf version from the Consultation page (top right).

III. eHealth Action Plan – overall objectives

The proposed action plan will run from 2012 until 2020, mirroring the timeline of Europe 2020, the Digital Agenda for Europe and Innovation Union.

The overall policy objectives of the initiative are: to continue to support Member States and healthcare providers so that they may benefit from ICT solutions in the best interest of patients, healthcare systems and society; to help enable an innovation friendly environment and to make best use of innovation in health. In addition, eHealth Action Plan shall ensure the successful achievement of objectives of the Digital Agenda[4] and European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. To achieve such overall policy objectives at EU level, the Commission plans to work to:

1. Increase awareness of the benefits and opportunities of eHealth, and empower citizens, patients and healthcare professionals
2. Address issues currently impeding eHealth interoperability
3. Improve legal certainty for eHealth
4. Support innovation and research in eHealth and development of a competitive European and global market.

The questions outlined in the questionnaire have been organised under these four objective.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A demarat Săptămîna Telecomunicaţiilor şi Societăţii Informaţionale

Comunicat de presă:

Astăzi la Chişinău, sub auspiciul Ministerului Tehnologiei Informaţiei şi Comunicaţiilor, a fost inaugurată „Săptămâna Telecomunicaţiilor şi Societăţii Informaţionale în Moldova - 2011”.

La ceremonia de deschidere au participat Vladimir Plahotniuc, Prim-vicepreşedinte al Parlamentului, Pavel Filip, ministru TIC, Gheorghe Duca, preşedintele Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, Tatiana Potîng, viceministru al educaţiei, reprezentanţi ai instituţiilor şi companiilor din sectorul TIC din Moldova.

Pavel Filip, ministrul tehnologiei informaţiei şi comunicaţiilor a menţionat în cuvîntul său de salut că MTIC şi-a formulat drept scop, ca împreună cu celelalte autorităţi ale statului să-şi aducă contribuţia la asigurarea unui dezvoltari durabile, unui model economic sănătos şi la transformare centrată pe cetăteni.

„Avem toate premizele. Sectorul TIC menţine o dinamică de dezvoltare stabilă şi în condiţiile actuale, este sectorul cel mai puţin afectat de criza economică. Veniturile, în anul 2010, au atins un nivel de circa 9% din PIB. Domeniul are un potenţial sporit în ceea ce priveşte dezvoltarea infrastructurii, producerea şi exportul produselor software şi serviciilor TIC. Telefonia mobilă şi fixă se dezvoltă cu ritm sporit. În prezent, la 100 locuitori revin 33 telefoane fixe, 89 telefoane mobile. Penetrarea computerelor este de 37 la o suta de gospodarii şi avem peste 38 la sută din locuitori utilizatori Internet”, a specificat ministrul.

În această ordine de idei Pavel Filip a relatat că tot potenţialul şi ideile creatoare pe care le au specialiştii ministerului, ai centrului e-guvernare şi partenerilor din sectorul privat vor fi îndreptate spre ridicarea nivelului de viaţă al cetăţenilor ţării noastre. Ministrul a subiniat că „prin aplicarea serviciilor electronice poate fi diminuat nivelul de coruptie, pot fi excluse piedicile birocratice şi, in consecinţă, poate fi ridicat nivelul de incredere al oamenilor în autorităţile statului. Aici vedem rolul nostru, al ministerului TIC - în promovarea celor mai noi şi mai utile tehnologii ale informaţiei”.

„Există temeiuri să cred că Moldova ar putea deveni pepiniera serviciilor IT şi a specialiştilor calificaţi în domeniu, precum şi să întrunească succesul Singapore ”, a spus Vladimir Plahotniuc, Prim-vicepreşedintele Parlamentului, exprimînd disponibilitatea Parlamentului de a susţine toate proiectele ministerului îndreptate în această direcţie.

Gheorghe Duca, preşedintele Academiei de Ştiinţe din Moldova a salutat ritmul în care se dezvoltă domeniul TIC în Moldova, precum şi cooperarea stabilită între minister şi savanţi în direcţia respectivă. Preşedintele AŞM a ţinut să sublinieze că importanţa sectorului TIC a făcut ca Ziua Mondială a Telecomunicaţiilor şi Societăţii Informaţionale să devină o sărbătoare a societăţii întregi şi nu doar a specialiştilor din domeniu.

Tatiana Potîng, viceministrul educaţiei a pledat pentru implementarea soluţiilor IT în educaţia tinerei generaţii, pentru care domeniul TIC a devenit un „pol de atracţie semnificativ.”

În cadrul şedinţei festive opt specialişti din domeniul TIC au fost distinşi cu „Diplomele Guvernului”. Premii de valoare din partea companiilor din sectorul TIC au primit 24 elevi şi 3 profesori - învingători ai „Olimpiadei republicane la informatică”. De asemenea de premii de valoare s-a învrednicit 6 jurnalişti, cîştigători ai concursului „Cel mai bun produs media despre domeniul TIC”.

Ziua Mondială a Telecomunicaţiilor şi Societăţii Informaţionale este oficializată prin Hotărârea Guvernului Republicii Moldova nr. 558 din 30 aprilie 2008.

Începând cu anul 1969, Uniunea Internaţională a Telecomunicaţiilor, în fiecare an, la data de 17 mai marchează semnarea in 1865 a primei Convenţii Internaţionale a Telegrafului şi creării Asociaţiei Internaţionale a Telecomunicaţiilor. Evenimentul era sărbătorit ca Ziua Mondială a Telecomunicaţiilor. Asambleea Generală a Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite şi Conferinţa Plenipotenţiară a Uniunii Internaţionale a Telecomunicaţiilor (UIT) au stabilit ca începând cu anul 2007, ziua de 17 mai să fie declarată Ziua Mondială a Telecomunicaţiilor şi Societăţii Informaţionale.

Ziua Mondială a Telecomunicaţiilor şi Societăţii Informaţionale - 2011 este dedicată temei „O viaţă mai bună cu tehnologia informaţiei şi comunicaţiile în localităţile rurale”. Subiectul adoptat de către Consiliul UIT pentru anul 2011 este o continuitate a temei anului 2010: “Un oraş mai bun, o viaţa mai buna cu TIC”.

Sursa: MTIC

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

В Молдове могут упразднить поликлиники

17 мая 2011Новости@Mail.Ru
Министр здравоохранения Андрей Усатый ответил в рамках «Прямой линии» на вопросы читателей «Комсомольской правды» в Молдове. Читать дальше

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Open information day and brokerage event for FP7 Health in Brussels

An Open Information Day and brokerage event on the 'Health' theme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) will take place from 9 to 10 June 2011 in Brussels, Belgium.

The Directorate General - Research and Innovation of the European Commission is organising the information event to highlight the 2012 Work Programme of FP7 Health, which is due to be published in July 2011.

The programme will consist of plenary sessions and several parallel workshops on participating in FP7 Health. Participants will also be able to exchange information and network at a special session where various service providers will be present.

Session topics are set to include:

- 'FP7 Health planning 2012';
- 'Participating in an EU funded project: challenges and opportunities' with parallel workshops on: 'Opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises','Focus on clinical trials', 'International cooperation', 'Communicating EU research';
- 'Participating in an EU-funded project: running and managing a project'.

A related partnering event will take place on 10 June 2011. It will be organised by the FP7 support services Health-NCP-Net and Fit-For-Health at a different location. It will focus on building consortia and bilateral meetings between researchers from SMEs and academia with an intrest in specific topics in the upcoming call.

More information is available at

Source:Directorate General - Research and Innovation, CORDIS, Record control number:33071

Related resources

[Event Announcement] Open information day and brokerage event for FP7 Health in Brussels [news]

Pan-European dialogue on Internet governance (EuroDIG)

The Pan-European dialogue on Internet governance (EuroDIG) is an open platform for informal and inclusive discussion and exchange on public policy issues related to Internet Governance (IG) between stakeholders from all over Europe. The 4th EuroDIG meeting will be organised in Belgrade May 30/31, 2011.

see also: RATEL Serbia – Report on the Activities 2005-2010

Related resources

[Event Announcement] Pan-European dialogue on Internet governance (EuroDIG) [news archive]

Future Internet Week

The "Futute Internet Week", a series of events related to the internet and ICT, will take place in Budapest from Mai 16 to 19, 2011 in the frame of the Hungarian EU Counsil presidency.

Here is an overview on the events that will take place in Budapest. For more information, please go to the event website.

Monday, May 16
» FIRE research workshop
» ENoLL Event
» Internet of Things Conference
» side event Future Internet Cluster Workshop

Tuesday, May 17
» Fire Architecture Board meeting (by invitation only)
» Future Internet Conference

Wednesday, May 18
» FIA - Future Internet Assembly
» FIF - Future Internet Forum (by invitation only)
» ceFIMS (by invitation only)

Thursday, May 19
» FIA - Future Internet Assembly
» ICT Proposers Day (see link below)

To register, please click here.

For further information, please contact:

Organizing Secretariat, Registration and logistical questions
Asszisztencia Congress Bureau
Phone: +36 1 350 1854
Fax: +36 1 350 0929

Related resources

Challenge Social Innovation: Innovating innovation by research - 100 years after Schumpter

What does Social Innovation mean today? How can research sustain Social Innovation? What can the Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) contribute? These are some of the topics which will be discussed during the International Scientific Conference “Challenge Social Innovation – Innovating innovation by research – 100 years after Schumpeter” including a NET4SOCIETY Networking event pertaining to the SSH Call for Proposals 2012. The event conference will take place from September 19 to 21 in Vienna, Austria.

WBC-INCO.NET will hold a consultation session on Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) back to back with the conference.

A series of sessions will take place over three days, moving from policy discussion and debate to FP7 networking and engagement.

There will be key-note speeches by renowned researchers and practitioners in the field, from Europe as well as from Canada, the USA, South America, and South-east Asia (Japan, South Korea). Confirmed speakers include Denis Harrison (University of Montreal), Kriss Deiglmeier (CSI Stanford), Antonella Noya (OECD), and Uwe Schneidewind (Wuppertal Institute).

A focused networking session will take place on 21st September, providing information on the upcoming call for proposals FP7-SSH-2012, launching in summer 2011. SSH researchers and stakeholders (universities, research institutions, civil society organizations and SMEs) will have the opportunity to meet both potential coordinators and potential project partners in a structured networking environment.

This event will give you the unique opportunity to build consortia for the next
Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities call in FP7.

Challenge Social Innovation is an event co-organized by NET4SOCIETY (the Network of Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities National Contact Points) through the support of the European Commission, the Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna and the Dortmund University of Technology.

For more information on Social Innovation see the BEPA report:

For further information, please go to:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Мария Кугель — о том, как Эстонии удалось превратить государство в интернет-сервис.

Заседание Совета Федерации РФ: все у компьютеров. Но как создать "электронное правительство" в России, где одних чиновников больше, чем народу в Эстонии?
Фото: PhotoXpress

Термин "электронное правительство", изначально подразумевавший лишь перевод госуслуг в интернет, постепенно приобрел идейную нагрузку — государство выстраивает новую систему общения с населением, становится прозрачным и даже невидимым. То, что это возможно, первой доказала Эстония. Как работает власть-невидимка у соседей и почему не работает у нас, хотя на создание российского "электронного правительства" затрачены уже десятки миллиардов рублей, выяснял "Огонек"

Мария Кугель, Рига — Таллин

Последний писк электронной моды в Эстонии — с августа этого года место в очереди на эстонско-российской границе можно будет заказать в интернете за 1 евро. Эстонская интернет-революция, таким образом, выплеснулась за рамки одной отдельной взятой страны: услуги единой эстонской информсистемы теперь начнут получать и россияне. Пользоваться этой системой пропуска можно будет на всех трех пунктах пересечения — в Нарве, Койдула и Лухамаа, и, разумеется, всем, кто ее пересекает, независимо от гражданства.

Подобные нововведения в Эстонии давно поставлены на конвейер — они уже изменили жизнь и продолжают менять ее в самых неожиданных измерениях, от выборов до получения разрешений на рыбную ловлю. Оставаясь зачастую невидимым и лишний раз не докучая, государство, которое продвинутые пользователи все чаще называют "Э-стонией", остается в постоянном контакте со своими гражданами, а граждане — с государством.

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Власть-невидимка Мария Кугель — о том, как Эстонии удалось превратить государство в интернет-сервис

Заседание Совета Федерации РФ: все у компьютеров. Но как создать "электронное правительство" в России, где одних чиновников больше, чем народу в Эстонии?
Фото: PhotoXpress

Термин "электронное правительство", изначально подразумевавший лишь перевод госуслуг в интернет, постепенно приобрел идейную нагрузку — государство выстраивает новую систему общения с населением, становится прозрачным и даже невидимым. То, что это возможно, первой доказала Эстония. Как работает власть-невидимка у соседей и почему не работает у нас, хотя на создание российского "электронного правительства" затрачены уже десятки миллиардов рублей, выяснял "Огонек"

Мария Кугель, Рига — Таллин

Последний писк электронной моды в Эстонии — с августа этого года место в очереди на эстонско-российской границе можно будет заказать в интернете за 1 евро. Эстонская интернет-революция, таким образом, выплеснулась за рамки одной отдельной взятой страны: услуги единой эстонской информсистемы теперь начнут получать и россияне. Пользоваться этой системой пропуска можно будет на всех трех пунктах пересечения — в Нарве, Койдула и Лухамаа, и, разумеется, всем, кто ее пересекает, независимо от гражданства.

Подобные нововведения в Эстонии давно поставлены на конвейер — они уже изменили жизнь и продолжают менять ее в самых неожиданных измерениях, от выборов до получения разрешений на рыбную ловлю. Оставаясь зачастую невидимым и лишний раз не докучая, государство, которое продвинутые пользователи все чаще называют "Э-стонией", остается в постоянном контакте со своими гражданами, а граждане — с государством.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

23rd MIE2011, Oslo, Norway, August 28-31, 2011

On behalf of the Norwegian Society for Medical Informatics (FDH) and the European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI) we cordially invite you to the 23rd European Medical Informatics conference – MIE2011 – in Oslo, Norway, August 28th to 31st, 2011.

MIE2011 is co-hosted by FDH and EFMI and will be a primary venue for the European health informatics community in 2011. We encourage you to participate as presenter of a paper or poster, demonstrator of an application, panellist, exhibitor or delegate.

The objective of the conference is to highlight the broad range of health informatics achievements at regional, national, and at international level. We invite the full range of submissions of original work in health and biomedical informatics research and innovation. Your submission can discuss health records, social media, standards, social care, telemedicine, software development, as well as strategies for user involvement, usercentered ness, benefits for patient care, development for sustainable use, and new challenges when health professionals collaborate in (virtual) teams with colleagues and patients.

MIE2011 theme is “User Centred Networked Health Care”.

Please visit the conference web-site for details

International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering

Dear Colleague,

We would like to inform you that the International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering to be held on July 7-8th, 2011 in Chisinau, Moldova, under the authority of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Technical University of Moldova, State Medical and Pharmaceutical University "Nicolae Testemiţanu" of the Republic of Moldova, and Moldavian Society of Biomedical Engineering.

We will be happy to see you among the participants of the conference. The First Announcement and Call for Papers are available on the conference site.

The deadline of papers submission is May 1 st, 2011.

Registration fee for the Moldavian participants is 200 lei MD

Friday, April 29, 2011

New ‘McKinsey on Society’ Platform Shares Best Practices in International Development

McKinsey & Co. has launched an online publication, “McKinsey on Society,” which highlights knowledge, resources and best practices from the work the firm does in the social sector. The first edition encompasses topics from across five practice areas: economic development, education, health, philanthropy and sustainability.

The article "Growth, Colombian Style” showcases how a cross-sector partnership helped orchestrate and support microlevel reforms and innovation, and sped up economic development in the country. "A Development Agenda for Haiti's New Government” offers a glimpse of what will face the new Haitian president as he guides the country’s recovery. "How to Compete & Grow" focuses on the important role developing-country governments have to play in creating an environment for economic growth that is tailored to various industry sectors.

Read more “McKinsey on Society.”

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

UK: HRIS To Disseminate Information On eHealth To Patients

The Scottish Government has commissioned Health Rights Information Scotland (HRIS) to produce a public information leaflet and an animated film clip which looks at eHealth in simple images and plain language from a patient's perspective, explaining complex information quickly and clearly.

As eHealth continues to deliver better, safer care to patients, it becomes equally important to ensure that the public understands how eHealth impacts on the service they receive and the benefits it brings. The information leaflet and animated clip explains what eHealth is, how it benefits both patients and the National Health Service Scotland (NHS), the importance of safety and confidentiality of patient information and what rights patients have about their own information.

The information is being supplied to NHS boards on CD. Boards are expected to display the information on their websites alongside the other HRIS public information leaflets and supply to GP practices. It is worth noting that the leaflet and clip are not intended to replace the NHS Boards' existing privacy notices or the HRIS leaflet 'How the NHS Protects your information'.

Draft storyboards for the film clip, leaflet and info-graphics were user-tested among public focus groups and professional stakeholders with positive results. The information will shortly be available in different formats and languages throughout Scotland.