The European Conference "Challenge Social Innovation" will take place from September 19 until September 21, 2011 at Tech Gate Vienna in Austria.
Conference "Challenge Social Innovation":
What does Social Innovation mean today? How can research sustain Social Innovation? What can the Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) contribute?
These are some of the topics which will be discussed during the International Scientific Conference “Challenge Social Innovation – Innovating innovation by research – 100 years after Schumpeter” including a NET4SOCIETY Networking event pertaining to the SSH Call for Proposals 2012. The event conference will take place from 19th to 21st September in Vienna. A series of sessions will take place over three days, moving from policy discussion and debate to FP7 networking and engagement.
There will be key-note speeches by renowned researchers and practitioners in the field, from Europe as well as from Canada, the USA, South America, and South-east Asia (Japan, South Korea). Confirmed speakers include Denis Harrison (University of Montreal), Kriss Deiglmeier (CSI Stanford), Antonella Noya (OECD), and Uwe Schneidewind (Wuppertal Institute).
A focused networking session will take place on 21st September, providing information on the upcoming call for proposals FP7-SSH-2012, launching in summer 2011. SSH researchers and stakeholders (universities, research institutions, civil society organizations and SMEs) will have the opportunity to meet both potential coordinators and potential project partners in a structured networking environment.
This event will give you the unique opportunity to build consortia for the next Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities call in FP7.
Challenge Social Innovation is an event co-organized by NET4SOCIETY (the Network of Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities National Contact Points) through the support of the European Commission, the Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna and the Dortmund University of Technology.
More details can be found at