Sunday, June 26, 2011

Opportunities for doing Health research in Third Countries. Access4EU info-session

On June 9, 2011 two info-sessions took place in Brussels, both with the aim to promote the opportunities for European researchers of doing Health research in Third Countries.

The first info-session was part of the official programme of the FP7 Health Infoday organised by the European Commission. During the parallel session on international cooperation chaired by Mr Indridi Benediktsson (European Commission, DG RTD, Directorate Health Horizontal Aspects and Coordination), representatives of 8 Third Countries presented the research and innovation programmes in their respective countries. The second info-session was organised in cooperation with eight Access4EU projects at Crowne Plaza Europa Hotels. In total, over 90 people participated at this Access4EU dissemination and networking event.

From 17.00h onwards, participants already had the opportunity to meet the country representatives at dedicated 'country tables' and discuss the possibilities for cooperation. At 18.00h, a series of eight 10-minute presentations was initiated. After a quick welcome by Mr Ben Kubbinga (Agency for the Promotion of European Research), Mr Philippe Froissard (European Commission, DG RTD, International Cooperation Projects) explained the rationale behind the Access4EU initiative. Subsequently, the following speakers presented the research opportunities in their respective countries: Mr Gerd Ruecker for Australia, Ms Sharon Irwin for Canada, Mr R.P. Singh for India, Ms Karla Falloon for New Zealand, Ms Natalia Mielech for Russia, Ms Sinead Quigley for South Korea, Mr Iqbal Parker for South Africa and Mr David Bruce Conn for the USA.
Agenda, list of participants and presentations and further information are available at Access4EU web site.

Conference "Challenge Social Innovation"

The European Conference "Challenge Social Innovation" will take place from September 19 until September 21, 2011 at Tech Gate Vienna in Austria.

Conference "Challenge Social Innovation":

What does Social Innovation mean today? How can research sustain Social Innovation? What can the Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) contribute?

These are some of the topics which will be discussed during the International Scientific Conference “Challenge Social Innovation – Innovating innovation by research – 100 years after Schumpeter” including a NET4SOCIETY Networking event pertaining to the SSH Call for Proposals 2012. The event conference will take place from 19th to 21st September in Vienna. A series of sessions will take place over three days, moving from policy discussion and debate to FP7 networking and engagement.

There will be key-note speeches by renowned researchers and practitioners in the field, from Europe as well as from Canada, the USA, South America, and South-east Asia (Japan, South Korea). Confirmed speakers include Denis Harrison (University of Montreal), Kriss Deiglmeier (CSI Stanford), Antonella Noya (OECD), and Uwe Schneidewind (Wuppertal Institute).

A focused networking session will take place on 21st September, providing information on the upcoming call for proposals FP7-SSH-2012, launching in summer 2011. SSH researchers and stakeholders (universities, research institutions, civil society organizations and SMEs) will have the opportunity to meet both potential coordinators and potential project partners in a structured networking environment.

This event will give you the unique opportunity to build consortia for the next Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities call in FP7.

Challenge Social Innovation is an event co-organized by NET4SOCIETY (the Network of Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities National Contact Points) through the support of the European Commission, the Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna and the Dortmund University of Technology.

More details can be found at

NBiS-2011: The 14-th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems in Albania

The 14th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS) will be held at Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania from September 7 to 9, 2011.

The event is held in conjunction with the EIDWT-2011: The 2-nd International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies.

The International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS) started as an International workshop in 1998, which was held in Vienna, Austria in conjunction with DEXA International Conference. From 1998, NBiS had been held successfully every year and high quality papers are presented. After the 9-th NBiS, which was held at Krakow, Poland in 2006, NBiS was promoted to an International Conference and the 10-th NBiS was held in Regensburg, Germany in 2007 as International Conference. NBiS is becoming a very important event for network research community and is improved every year in quality and quantity. The NBiS International Conference is going around the world in all continents. NBIS-2009 was held in Indianapolis, USA and NBiS -2010 was held in Takayama, Japan.

The 14-th NBiS will be held at Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania from September 7 to 9, 2011.

The main objective of NBiS is to bring together researchers from both network systems and information systems with the aim of encouraging the exchange of ideas and experience between these two communities. It will represent an international forum to give an overview of the most recent trends. In the past decade, our network infrastructure has undergone radical changes. It has evolved from a small number of interconnected computer networks to a global socio-technical infrastructure, where people communicate and interact spontaneously in cyber space and with the cyber physical world, create content and share knowledge over a network of heterogeneous networks. In the future, global society will increasingly rely on socio-technical networks designed in harmony with societal values and economic viability, with enhanced security, privacy, resilience, availability and manageability, and the ability to incorporate as yet unforeseen technologies, applications and services.

Future networks should be available anytime and anywhere, be accessible from any communication device, require little or no management overhead, be resilient to failures and malicious attacks, and be trustworthy for all types of communication. They must be able to evolve over time to incorporate new technologies, support new classes of applications, and meet new requirements and challenges. They also need to accommodate growth and unforeseen changes across many dimensions, including traffic load, network size and topology, physical link characteristics, different types of applications, and heterogeneity, without significant performance degradation.

The conference scope ranges from home networks with numerous "smart" appliances to enterprise networks, core networks, and application-level networks.

The NBiS-2011 seeks original contributions in all relevant areas, including but not limited to the following topics.


-Communication Networks and Protocols
-Grid Computing Infrastructures
-P2P Networks and Applications
-Ubiquitous Computing Applications
-Pervasive Computing and Applications
-Autonomic Computing and Applications
-Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
-Sensor Networks
-Ad Hoc Networks
-Sensor and Actor Networks
-High-Speed Networks
-Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
-Routing Algorithms
-Scheduling, Resource Discovery and Allocation
-Interoperable Systems
-Distributed Object-Oriented Systems
-Databases and Data Mining
-Social Networks
-Network Security and Privacy
-Web and Internet Applications
-Electronic Commerce
-Networking Multimedia Systems and Applications
-Intelligent Information Systems
-Bio-inspired information systems
-Distance Learning Systems
-Eco Distributed Systems.

Further information:

ICT Spring Europe 2011

ICT Spring is a worldwide two days event (June 28 to 29) which brings together more than 1.500 ICT executives from Europe, America, Africa and Asia. ICT spring focuses on Innovation and its lifecycle. During two days, ICT executives will attend conferences, workshops, business speed-dating sessions and high-level meetings which will give them an opportunity to network and exchange with the brightest worldwide minds of the industry, being informed of the last ICT issues and technologies on a worldwide scale.

ICT key markets’ latest available revolutions will be unveiled and the upcoming ICT topics will be discussed (more than 140 demos of 10’ and 4 keynotes and panels in plenary sessions).

The Trade Fair part of the event will also give concrete examples of those innovations and business opportunities through 5 different “villages” (Online Business & Gaming, Infrastructure & Telecom, Funding & Finance, Cloud & e-Hosted Solutions, Advisory & Consulting) gathering firms’ stands through each innovation steps: R&D, Startups, Funding /Private Equity, Business Partners & Applications, Market & Strategic Consulting.

Start-ups will be the stars of the show. Coming from all continents, 80 startups will be invited to present the last innovations and tomorrows services used by professionals and consumers.

For details, please see:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Medicina viitorului în Moldova

Programare la medic de la calculatorul de acasă, diagnosticare on-line sau sfaturi despre cum să-ţi menţii sănătatea direct pe telefonul tău mobil - sunt realităţi în spaţiul european, care în R. Moldova sunt doar la nivel de intenţie. Serviciile de eSănătate au menirea să asigure calitatea prestării serviciilor, reducerea timpului de aşteptare pentru pacienţi precum şi economisirea unor surse importante de bani. Conform Planului Ministerului Sănătăţii (MS), pentru anul 2011 se prevede elaborarea compartimentului de eSănătate în Strategia Naţională de edificare a Societăţii Informaţionale „Moldova electronică-2”. Potrivit lui Oleg Lozan, preşedintele „Telemedicina” din R. Moldova, reprezentantul MS pentru eTransformare, paşi concreţi în sănătatea susţinută de tehnologiile informaţionale ar putea fi realizaţi până la sfârşitul anului curent.

In continuare, cititi pe

Thursday, June 9, 2011

How Mobile Phones Are Saving Lives in the Developing World

The Global Innovation Series is supported by BMW i, a new concept dedicated to providing mobility solutions for the urban environment. It delivers more than purpose-built electric vehicles — it delivers smart mobility services. Visit or follow @BMWi on Twitter.

You text your friends, you call your mom, you use your smartphone to upload pictures of your day-to-day life. But did you know your phone has a higher purpose? Even if it’s just a Nokia “candy bar” phone or a flip-phone, that handheld piece of machinery can save lives. And there are startups all over the world that are innovating and creating new technologies that will change the global health landscape in dramatic ways. Read on for two promising startups that are equipping health care workers in developing nations with souped-up cellphones, and helping them treat more patients, faster.

To read the entire article, go to:

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Join the International Conference on Global Health

What will the world's population look like in 20 years?

If current demographic changes continue, more people will live in cities, population growth will have slowed except in Africa, and the average age will be older in most parts of the world. These trends will result in changes in the burden of disease, most notably a transition from infectious to noncommunicable diseases, from acute to chronic diseases. What are the changing needs in health care systems to address long-term medical needs? What are the comorbidities between infectious and noncommunicable diseases? What are the lessons learned from the response to infectious diseases that can be applied to finding solutions to this additional burden?

In this increasingly interconnected and interdependent world, health is everybody's business. Click here to register for the Global Health Council's 38th Annual International Conference on Global Health, June 13-17 in Washington, D.C., and learn how you can be part of the solution.