Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Consultaţii privind identificarea priorităţilor comune UE-EECS de cooperare în domeniul TIC

În vederea intensificării şi consolidării cooperării tehnico-ştiinţifice în domeniul tehnologiilor informaţionale şi de comunicare (TIC) dintre ţările membre ale Uniunii Europene şi cele din spaţiul Europei de Est şi Caucazului de Sud (EECS), la data de 19 mai 2010, în cadrul proiectului PC7 EXTEND, va avea loc un simpozion naţional ce urmăreşte reunirea pentru consultări a actorilor din sectorul TIC din Republica Moldova, inclusiv: factorii de decizie, organizaţii din sfera cercetării (mediul academic şi universitar, întreprinderi profit şi non-profit), actorii TIC din industrie, precum şi reprezentanţi ai comunităţilor beneficiare de TIC.

În urma consultărilor din cadrul simpozionului sus-menţionat vor fi elaborate recomandări privind priorităţile de cercetare comună în domeniul TIC dintre ţările UE şi cele EECS. Simpozionul dat face parte dintr-un şir de consultări naţionale ce vor avea loc în toate ţările EECS.

Pentru detalii suplimentare şi informaţii privind posibilităţi de participare la simpozion, accesaţi pagina:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

SUA: Campania pentru copii sanatosi utilizeaza mesage-text pentru a mentine contact cu mame viitoare

Mamele viitoare au primit un instrument nou pentru a mentine sanatatea sa si sanatatatea copilului: sfaturi pentru gravide trimise direct la telefoane mobile

Asa numita campanie text4baby este prima programa educationala in SUA care utilizeaza capacitati telefoniei mobile....

Sursa: Healthy baby campaign uses texts to reach mothers

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nou e-Health Inteligence report

Temele raportului:

Dubai - Fise medicale poate fi accesate on-line
UE - Editia noua a European Journal of ePractice: eHealth and Beyond
India - Tehnologii ajuta medicinii sa acceseze zonele isolate
Ireland - Serviciul pentru informarea pacientilor cu allergii prin SMS a fost lantat
Elvetia - Evaluarea impactului introducerii platii penru serviciul de consultare on-line

Articole stiintifice, publicatii pe Global Observatory for eHealth in eHealth Intelligence Report

ePractice - revista digitala/portal

Portalul The European Journal of ePractice a fost creat cu scopul promovarii schimbului de practici bune si experiente in domenii de e-Guvernare, e-Sanatate si e-Inclusiune.

Prin intermediul revistei se mediatizeaza articole, interviuri si practici bune furnizate de 17 000 be membri a retelei

Accesul la materialele este gratuit

Monday, February 8, 2010

Training for users of "Medex" Primary Health Care Information System

The Project "EU support to the Health Reform: Strengthening of Primary Heafth Care in Moldova" ("Project"), started a round of IT training.During the period February 1- February 13, 2010 the Project and Medical Territorial Agency (MTA) Centru conducts a series of joint workshops/training for users of the Primary Health Information System "Medex". Earlier, as a result of preliminary training of trainers, several IT specialists from MTA Centru were trained, and they participates as trainers of 300 users on utilization of the new Medex system. The training will serve also as an "acceptance test" for the new system.

This training became necessary, given that during the period October 2009 - January 2010 the Project developed the second version of the Information System Medex, which is piloted now in MTA
Centru. According to the Memorandum of collaboration signed between the Project, MoH and MTA Centru, the staff of MTA Centru actively participates in the development through identification of requirements toward the functionality of the system, testing and piloting.

After this training, the new version of Medex ("Medex 2") will run in AMT
Centru replacing the existing system. The new system can be further replicated in other MTAs, in Regional Centres and could be used country-wide in the Hiture provided the IT infrastructure is appropriate. The prepared local IT specialists in Training, System Maintenance and Database Administration serve as ground for sustainability and as resource for further replication of the developed system.The IT component is one of the 4 components of Project, which is implemented in the Republic of Moldova by the Consortium of ICON / ВВІ / UN ICON / IRIS. The Project has a duration of 2 years (September 2008-August 2010) and a budget of 1,2 million Euro (ca. 21 million MDL).

Source: Support to the Health Reform: Strengthening of Primary Health Care in Moldova

The 4th ICT PSP Call for Proposals

The ICT Policy Support Programme aims at a wider uptake and best use of ICT and digital content by citizens, governments and businesses, in particular SMEs. Participation is open to organisations from all EU member states and other countries having a specific agreement to participate in ICT PSP.

Any proposal needs to be submitted by a consortium which should comprise the necessary stakeholders to address one of the objectives of the annual Work Programme. It has also to include a minimum number of organisations from different member or associated states.

Application deadline - June 1, 2010

More info at