Thursday, December 17, 2009

Moldovans pay twice more for internet than in other European and Central Asian countries

Moldovans pay twice more for internet access than in other European and Central Asian (ECA) countries. At the same time, the costs for mobile telephony services are 70% higher than the average in the regions, according to a World Bank study.

In Moldova, internet access is four times lower compared with the average figure in ECA region, while access to mobile telephone is almost twice of the average in the region.

WB experts say that these figures appeal to increasing competition in the telecommunication sector both for fixed and mobile services, including broadband access.

At the same time, the report places Moldova among the countries with an average development level of IT&C technology use, near Belarus and Russia. In fact, most of the countries in the region enjoyed exceptional growths on the mobile telephony market, so that a number of countries have more subscribers than inhabitants.

In Moldova, the penetration rate of broad band internet access per 100 inhabitants was of 4.63%, after the third quarter. The penetration rate of mobile telephony services per 100 inhabitances grew to 76%.

Sourse: Basa-press

Prim-ministrul Vlad FILAT a participat la seminarul „Transformarea electronică a Republicii Moldova prin intermediul tehnologiilor informaţionale"

Seminarul, care are o durată de două zile (15-16 Decembrie, 2009), este organizat de către Banca Mondială în parteneriat cu Autoritatea de Dezvoltare Infocomm din Singapore, International Enterprise Singapore şi Ministerul Tehnologiilor Informaţionale şi Comunicaţiilor al Republicii Moldova.

Melanie MARLETT, directorul Băncii Mondiale pentru Moldova, a spus la deschiderea seminarului că TIC au un potenţial enorm pentru stimularea dezvoltării în Moldova, dar este necesar de sporit concurenţa în sectorul telecomunicaţiilor şi competitivitatea companiilor TI.

„În prezent, serviciile TIC reprezintă 10% din PIB-ul ţării, însă în acest sector există resurse considerabile neexplorate, iar pentru utilizarea maximă a acestora este esenţială îmbunătăţirea reglementării industriei telecomunicaţiilor pentru a spori concurenţa şi a determina specialiştii locali să rămînă şi să lucreze în ţară”, a precizat Melanie MARLETT.

Prim-ministrul a mulţumit organizatorilor pentru desfăşurarea acestui seminar, menţionînd că domeniul TIC este unul prioritar pentru dezvoltarea Republicii Moldova.

„Guvernul urmează să administreze criza profundă în care se află ţara noastră şi în acest sens, un domeniu important şi de perspectivă, care ar putea ajuta la dezvoltarea economiei, este cel al tehnologiilor informaţionale şi comunicaţiilor. Avem experienţă în domeniu, dar cu siguranţă că aceasta nu se compară cu cea a statului Singapore. Guvernul este deschis în totalitate spre colaborare şi mizăm pe prietenii noştri ce doresc să ajute Republica Moldova în dinamizarea acestui domeniu şi depăşirea problemelor existente” , a precizat Prim-ministrul.

Vlad FILAT a spus că, din punct de vedere al costurilor, TIC reprezintă un instrument rapid şi eficient pentru modernizarea ţării şi asigurarea unei performanţe îmbunătăţite a sectorului public.

„Guvernul îşi propune să devină un jucător proactiv în crearea unui mediu de afaceri mai bun”, a spus Prim-ministrul.

Premierul s-a arătat convins că seminarul dedicat transformării electronice a Republicii Moldova prin intermediul TIC, la care participă atît experţi locali, cît şi din Singapore, se va solda cu rezultate utile pentru R. Moldova.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

iPath in Moldova

Pe data de 10 Decembrie 2009, in incinta Institutului de Cercetări Ştiinţifice în domeniul Ocrotirii Sanatatii Mamei si Copilului a luat loc workshop-ul telemedical si prezentarea retelei telemedicale in domeniul neonatologiei. In cadrul seminarului au fost prezentate bazele sistemului telemedical iPath, pilotat de catre institutie in cooperare cu Centru Elvetian de Sanatate Internationala din Bazel, si discutate probleme si realizari in aplicare a sistemului in 4 institutii medicale din Moldova.

Pentru mai multa informatie vizitati situl sistemului iPath in Moldova.

Sursa: A.O. "Telemedicina din Republica Moldova"

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Workshop on Transforming Moldova with ICT, Dec 15-16, 2009

This workshop is organized by the World Bank's Global ICT Department in collaboration with IDA Singapore, IE Singapore and the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications of Moldova. The workshop will provide a platform for engaged dialogue on the role of ICT in the public sector transformation agenda, and on how Singapore's success in e-Government via close collaboration with the private sector might translate to Moldova. There will be a series of knowledge-sharing sessions focusing on how ICT can play a strategic role in nation building, public administration, and service delivery to citizens and businesses.

Speaker profiles

Live webcast will be available here on the day of the event

The e-Development Seminar Series strives to provide a comprehensive program covering core e-development concepts in the context of regional, country specific and thematic seminars. The primary objective of these seminars is to equip operational Bank staff and our country clients with the knowledge necessary for designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating e-development projects and components.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme


Publication Date: 25 November 2009

Budget: € 30 000 000

Deadline: 25 March 2010 at 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)

Call details
Mobile and Wireless Healthcare Conference Print E-mail

24 February 2010, Birmingham, UK.
Mobile and wireless technologies offer the opportunity to secure the delivery of more patient-centred care. Better access to knowledge at the point of care also increases overall efficiency and reduces costs.

This one-day conference will bring together healthcare IT professionals and clinicians alike to explore how to realise the benefits of mobile and wireless technologies both on the ward and in the community.

  • How can mobile technologies enable the delivery of more efficient care that enhances the patient experience?
  • How can investment in mobile and wireless technology contribute to the realisation of strategic business outcomes?
  • As the threats develop and technology evolves, how can you ensure sensitive data is both mobile and safe?
  • How can you adapt processes and systems to support mobility?
  • What steps can you take to streamline programme steps for mobile devices?
  • To what extent will you need to reassess the organisation of information and data when implementing mobile devices?

Plus new for 2010:

  • Snapshot case studies providing insights into the deployment of mobile and wireless technologies followed by demonstration sessions where you can get your hands on featured technologies. Explore their functionality and gain a greater understanding of how they could work for you.

Conference web-page

Source eHealthNews Portal

Information and Communication Technologies Calls: FP7-ICT-2009-6

CE Directoratul General pentru Cercetare a publicat Call for Proposal la tema Tehnologii informationale si de comunicatii in cadrul FP7.

Termen de 13 aplicare: Aprilie, 2010
Budget: 286 mEuro

Informatii adaugatoare poate fi gasite pe saitul CORDIS

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Moldova: Army Enlists Onions and Garlic to Ward Off Swine Flu

The Moldovan Army is issuing garlic and onions to help its soldiers ward off a growing epidemic of swine flu in Eastern Europe, The Associated Press reported Thursday. The chief medical officer for the Defense Ministry, Col. Sergiu Vasislita, was quoted as saying each soldier would get the equivalent of one small onion and two garlic cloves added to his diet as an immune-system boost. Moldova has about 6,500 troops...

NY Times

Health 2.0 Europe Conference - the Leading Showcase of Online and Mobile Technologies in Healthcare

6-7 April 2010, Paris, France.
The agenda for the first international foray, Health 2.0 Europe, has been announced. It is bringing the best of Health 2.0 in America across the Atlantic, but the majority of the program will be featuring European Health 2.0 organizations, technologies and companies. This means that over the coming months Europe and the rest of the globe will be scoured for its top Health 2.0 movers and shakers.

eHealthNews.EU Portal

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Workshop on Universal Access and Service and Broadband Development

November 23, 2009, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm ET

Live webcast is available here on the day of the event

Workshop activities will be led by Intelecon Research and Consulting Ltd., authors of the UAS module of the ITU - infoDev ICT Regulation Toolkit.

The purpose of the workshop is two-fold:

* to provide GICT staff and other World Bank colleagues interested in telecom and broadband development issues with a general overview of approaches to UAS, the current status and trends. This includes broadband strategies and the importance of e-applications for development (e.g., e-governance, e-health, ICT in education, etc.); and

* to facilitate a discussion with World Bank staff involved or interested in UAS and broadband projects regarding the lessons learned, and a brainstorming on strategy for future Bank operations (in light of the Bank developing a new ICT sector strategy).


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

WB mHealth "From Policy to Implementation" update: recorded webcast

Институт онкологии осваивает возможности телемедицины

КИШИНЕВ, 26 октября / ИА "Новости - Молдова"/. Сотрудники Института онкологии Молдовы получили возможность широко использовать преимущества телемедицины, сообщили агентству «НОВОСТИ-МОЛДОВА» в министерстве здравоохранения РМ.

В понедельник там закончена установка комплекта соответствующего оборудования, которое было приобретено при поддержке Германии через Центр международной миграции и развития. Оно позволит учреждению и ее специалистам проводить более эффективную диагностику и лечение в соответствии с европейскими стандартами. Врачи, в частности, смогут консультироваться с коллегами из медицинских учреждений других стран по диагностике и лечению больных в тяжелых случаях.

Кроме того, телемедицина предполагает дистанционное обучение, обмен информацией и опытом посредством видеосвязи.

Первый проект практической телемедицины в Республике Молдова был внедрен в начале 2009 года в Институте неврологии и нейрохирургии.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Asociaţia Americană Telemedicală oferă Standarde şi Ghiduri pentru telemedicină, inclusiv Ghidul pentru telesănătatea mintală

În octombrie 2009 Asociaţia Americană Telemedicală a publicat Ghidul practic pentru telesănătate mintală, bazat pe videoconferinţe.

Standarde, ghiduri şi mecanisme de asigurare a calităţii sunt direcţii prioritare pentru activitatea Asociaţiei. Prin intermediul Comitetului pentru Standarde şi Ghiduri, Asociaţia implementează identificarea, supravegherea şi suportul grupelor de lucru care elaborează standarde individuale şi ghiduri, recomandează priorităţi în fiecare domeniu aparte. Grupuri de lucru se preocupă cu revizuirea standardelor şi ghidurilor existente, menţinerea terminologiei telemedicale şi de telesănătate. Standarde şi ghiduri elaborate de ATA pot fi găsite aici.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Participate in the Live Webcast on m-Health: From Policy to Implementation (The World Bank Day @ mHealth Summit)

Watch live and recorded webcast at: (please register at: )

Jointly sponsored by World Bank Group, UN Foundation/mHealth Alliance and FNIH, in collaboration with NIH and many others, the World Bank Day @ mHealth Summit will raise awareness of the possibilities for mobile-enabled innovations for improving health care and health care outcomes in developing countries and seeks to:

Contribute to putting m-health on the map of the mainstream public health agenda in developing countries.

Explore options as to how to translate mHealth applications into measurable health outcomes.

Provide concrete examples of experience at the country level – what questions to ask, what to look for, what tools are available, and what are the policy implications for implementation.

Establish a basis for future collaboration and continued dialogue on mHealth.

This unique one-day workshop will bring together lessons, innovations, and perspectives from over 30 practitioners and policy makers from key organization in the m-Health field. The workshop will discuss specific case studies and country perspectives on mHealth and address scaling up mobile innovations in World Bank Health Sector Projects. World Bank @ mHealth Day is an integral part of the mHealth Summit focusing on Mobile Technologies as a platform for health research and health care delivery. The mHealth Summit is an unprecedented event that will bring together researchers, policy-makers, collaborators and visionaries from around the world to exchange ideas, novel approaches, research and findings surrounding mHealth issues both in the United States and in developing countries.

Register for the webcast at:

Med-e-Tel 2010 (14-16 April 2010)

For Education, Networking and Business

eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT are a tool at the service of medical and nurse practitioners, patients, citizens, healthcare institutions and governments. It involves many different stakeholders who need to be brought face-to-face to share aspirations, learn from research and experiences, show the possibilities, understand the market, discover new applications. Med-e-Tel is the meeting place with a proven potential for Education, Networking and Business among a global audience with diverse professional backgrounds.

Med-e-Tel focuses on ehealth and telemedicine applications and a wide range of other medical ICT applications and on the convergence of information and communication technology with medical applications, which lead to higher quality of care, cost reductions, workflow efficiency, and widespread availability of healthcare services.

The services and applications presented at Med-e-Tel include:

  • computer hard/software and peripherals
  • consulting services
  • diagnostic/monitoring systems and devices
  • electronic health cards
  • electronic medical records and personal health records
  • home and personal monitoring services and equipment
  • hospital information systems
  • imaging devices and systems
  • internet/intranet services
  • mobile/wireless devices and applications
  • satellite communication
  • secure data transmission
  • surgical systems
  • systems integration
  • telecommunication services and devices
  • telecare/telehealth/telemedicine equipment and assistive technologies
  • videoconferencing
  • vital signs monitoring
The event is supported by a wide range of national and international associations, institutions and media who are equally involved in the research, development or funding of ehealth and telemedicine initiatives.

For more information please visit the official site of Med-e-Tel.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

XVI Международная школа «Современные аспекты телемедицины»18- 28 мая 2010, г. Москва

Уважаемые коллеги !

Российская ассоциация телемедицины проводит прием заявок для участия в работе XVI Международной школы «Современные аспекты телемедицины», которая будет проходить c 18 по 28 мая 2010 г. в Москве на базе головного телемедицинского центра ОАО «РЖД» по адресу: Москва, ул. Будайская, д. 2 (станция метро «ВДНХ»). Обучение проводится при поддержке Международной ассоциации телемедицины, Департамента здравоохранения ОАО «РЖД» и Центра современных медицинских технологий «СОМЕТ».

В течение 10 дней слушателям школы будет предложен 72-часовой курс теоретических и практических занятий по телемедицине, которые будут проводиться ведущими российскими и зарубежными специалистами. Успешно прошедшие обучение получат соответствующие сертификаты.

Обучение проводится на русском языке. Лекции зарубежных специалистов из Германии, Франции, Норвегии, Италии, США, Канады и других стран будут сопровождаться синхронным переводом. В ходе школы планируется проведение круглых столов по проблемам использования телемедицинских технологий.

Обучение рассчитано на организаторов здравоохранения, курирующих создание и работу телемедицинских центров и IT-специалистов, обеспечивающих работоспособность оборудования и каналов связи телемедицинского центра.

В ходе обучения слушатели школы с помощью консультантов должны подготовить и защитить проекты телемедицинских центров для своих клиник.

Часть лекций проводится на базе видеоконференцсвязи. По этой же технологии будет заслушан ряд сообщений российских и зарубежных телемедицинских центров об опыте использования телемедицинских технологий.

Для получения места для обучения в школе необходимо прислать заявку, анкету и, получив счет, оплатить обучение до 18.04.2010 г.

Получить дополнительную информацию и анкету Вы можете в Российской Ассоциации Телемедицины:
Тел. (8-495) 414-79-34; (8-495) 727-22-40
Видеоконференция: (ISDN) (8-495) 727-02-32; (8-495) 727-22-42; IP
В Республике Молдова, информацию и анкеты можно получить, обратившись в Ассоциацию Телемедицины Республики Молдова (ATRM) - email

Monday, October 12, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

eHealth Week 2010

15-18 March 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
For the first time, the ministerial event known as the "High Level eHealth Conference" and the "World of Health IT Conference and Exhibition" will take place in the same week in a joint initiative called "eHealth Week 2010", the most prestigious event in the European eHealth sector of the year. The Convention Center CCIB in Barcelona will open its doors from March 15-18th, to the most complete assembly of healthcare stakeholders in Europe. On March 15 th the prestigious High Level eHealth Conference - an EU event organised by the Spanish EU Presidency, the European Commission, the Government of Catalonia and the Foundation TicSalut - is a closed ministerial conference in its 8th edition, a milestone in the process undertaken by the EU Member States to work together to facilitate wider deployment of effective eHealth applications. In parallel to the High Level eHealth Conference, the fourth edition of the World of Health IT Conference & Exhibition (WoHIT), from 16 th 18 th March, will offer a compelling programme and exhibition to enable Healthcare transformation via eHealth.

You can access it at the following url:

Information on previous European eHealth conferences and declarations

Monday, October 5, 2009

Înregistrarea la un curs de învăţămînt la distanţă e-Scart (terapia antiretrovirală) . STI, Anvers

Institul Tropic de Sud (South Tropical Institute) din Anvers anunţă înregistrarea la un curs certificat de învăţămînt on-line în domeniul terapiei antiretrovirale. e-Cursul interactiv este destinat medicilor de familie şi specialiştilor care activează în condiţii de resurse limitate şi a fost elaborat cu scopul îmbunătăţirii accesului la învăţămînt în domeniul terapiei ante-retrovirale. Un număr limitat de burse este disponibil pentru profesionişti din ţări cu venituri joase.

Mai multă informaţie (Engleză)

Totodată, în cadrul instituţiei există şi posibilităţi de consultaţii telemedicale în domeniu.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Atelierul de Telemedicina şi e-Sănătate în Anvers, Belgia

Centrul Norvegian de Telemedicina (NST) în colaborare cu Institutul de Medicina Tropică, a organizat a treia atelier cu tematica "Telemedicina şi e-Sănătate în condiţii de resurse limitate" între 14 şi 18 Septembrie 2009. Obiectivul primordial a atelierului este de a dezvolta deprinderi practice şi de a împartaşi cunoştinţe necesare pentru implementarea serviciilor telemedicale/de e-Sănătate în ţări cu resurse limitate. La seminar au participat representanţii din Madagascar (Burkina Faso), Efiopia, Moldova, Nepal, Tanzania, Sudan şi Uganda.

Atelierul este organizat într-un mod interactiv, cu sesiuni cu discutarea cazurilor practice, şi are ca scop dezvoltarea şi discutarea proiectelor specifice propuse de participanţi. Atelierul este creat pentru specialişti în domeniu medical care sunt responsabile pentru proiecte şi politici de Telemedicina şi e-sănătate la nivel instituţional sau naţional.

Mai mult cititi pe pagina-Internet NST

Friday, September 18, 2009

Raportul Departamentul de Educaţie a SUA asupra metodelor educaţionale în reţea

" mediu, studenţi in condiţii de educare în reţea au performat mai bine decît acei educaţi în clasă"

Raportul complet puteţi gasi aici (Engleza)

"Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning, A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies"

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Peoples-Uni opens applications for 2009 fall semester

Applications for the next semester are now open. You will find these on the web site at for new students and at for returning students.
We have made a number of changes for this semester in response to student and tutor feedback, so please have a look around the web site and do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Digital Economy Can Lift Europe Out of Crisis, Says Commission Report

The European Commission's Digital Competitiveness report shows that Europe's digital sector has made strong progress since 2005: 56% of Europeans now regularly use the internet, 80% of them via a high-speed connection (compared to only one third in 2004), making Europe the world leader in broadband internet. Europe is the world's first truly mobile continent with more mobile subscribers than citizens (a take up rate of 119%). Europe can advance even further as a generation of "digitally savvy" young Europeans becomes a strong market driver for growth and innovation. Building on the potential of the digital economy is essential for Europe's sustainable recovery from the economic crisis.

"Europe's digital economy has tremendous potential to generate huge revenues across all sectors, but to turn this advantage into sustainable growth and new jobs, governments must show leadership by adopting coordinated policies that dismantle existing barriers to new services," said Viviane Reding, EU Commissioner for Information Society and Media. "We should seize the opportunity of a new generation of Europeans who will soon be calling the shots in the European market place. These young people are intensive internet users and are also highly demanding consumers. To release the economic potential of these 'digital natives', we must make access to digital content an easy and fair game."

The report published today outlines the results of five years of EU policy under the Barroso Commission promoting the latest communication technologies, new networks and services and creative media content. By 2008, 56% of Europeans had become regular internet users, a leap of one third since 2004. Half of households and more than 80% of businesses now have a broadband connection. A new generation of Europeans mastering the web and ready to apply its innovations is coming on stage. These "digital natives" hold great potential for Europe's growth.

People aged 16 to 24 are the most active internet users: 73% of them regularly use advanced services to create and share online content, twice the EU population average (35%) (see annex). 66% of all Europeans under 24 use the internet every day, compared to the EU average of 43%. They also have more advanced internet skills than the rest of the population, according to a Commission study on digital literacy, also released today.

Although the "digital generation" seems reluctant to pay to download or view online content like videos or music (33% say that they are not willing to pay anything at all, which is twice the EU average), in reality twice as many of them have paid for these services compared to the rest of the population (10% of young users, compared to an EU average of 5%). They are also more willing to pay for offers of better service and quality.

Internet use will soar as Europe's "digital natives" begin their professional lives, increasingly shaping and dominating market trends. As traditional business models stall, companies will have to offer services attractive to the next generation of users, while legislators should create the right conditions to facilitate access to new online content while also ensuring remuneration for the creators.

Europe also needs to act more to compete globally. Despite progress, a third of EU citizens have never used the internet. Only 7% of consumers have shopped online in another Member State. Europe is still behind the US and Japan in R&D investments in information and communication technologies (ICT), high-speed broadband communications, and developing innovative markets like online advertising.

Pro-active policy making across the EU must ensure that everyone has a high-speed internet connection and that there is an online single market, where people can easily use online services across borders.

Upcoming challenges for Digital Europe are raised in a public consultation launched by the Commission today, open until 9 October 2009. This is the first step towards a new European ICT strategy which the Commission aims to present in 2010 as part of the next wave of the Lisbon Agenda.


  • The EU's "i2010" strategy to boost Europe's lead in ICT and unlock the benefits of the information society for European growth and jobs, adopted by the Commission in July 2005 (IP/05/643) comes to a close this year. Endorsed by all EU Member States and the European Parliament, the strategy aimed to strengthen the single market for businesses and users and to stimulate ICT research and innovation. This policy of stimulating competition and empowering consumers has delivered on concrete issues and has engendered a wealth of innovative policies across the EU.
  • Commissioner Reding called, on 9 July (SPEECH/09/336), for a new "Digital Europe" strategy as policy approach for a single and consumer-friendly market for online content where ICT will be driving innovation, full connectivity, and a greener economy.
  • The Digital Competitiveness report, factsheets, and the public consultation can be found at:
  • Study "Public policies and stakeholders initiatives in support of Digital Literacy":
  • Results of five years of EU ICT policy under the Barroso Commission:

Nine questions on the future of the Information Society identified for the public consultation:

  • How can ICTs be unleashed to drive economic recovery and contribute to the Lisbon growth and jobs agenda?
  • How can ICTs assist the transition to a more sustainable low carbon economy?
  • How best to create a 100% connected economy that offers open and high speed internet for all?
  • How can Europe raise its performance in crucial ICT research and innovation?
  • How to reinforce the digital single market in order to bring growth, innovation and new services?
  • How can online services and tools, such as web 2.0, better promote user creativity, content production and services provision?
  • How can the web aid modernisation of public services so that they are easily accessible to all EU citizens?
  • How can ICTs improve the quality of life of EU citizens by unlocking the storehouses of cultural heritage by bringing them on-line and by putting ICT at the centre of citizens' life?
  • How can the EU increase its weight in the international arena of the worldwide web and the global information society?
The public consultation is open until 09 October 2009.

For further information, please visit:

Sourse: eHealth News Portal

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Programul preliminar MIE2009, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina


  • 9 keynote lectures
  • 40 parallel scientific sessions, including 150 oral presentations of full papers and 21 oral presentations of student papers
  • 16 workshops
  • 1 software demonstration session
  • 2 poster sessions, including 21 posters
  • 1 industrial round table
  • EuroRec conference
  • 2 full-day tutorials
  • 3 half-day tutorials
  • BHSMI special track
  • MIE 2009 special events and meetings
  • MIE 2009 accommodation and sightseeing tours

The preliminary MIE09 programme (scientific programme, special sessions, keynote speakers information, travel information etc. included) (PDF, 1.6 MB) is available for download.

Latest update: 28th July 2009.

Subjects covered in the presentations:

Biosignal processing
Decision support
Devices and sensors
Disease management
Electronic health record
Expert systems
Guidelines and protocols
Health information systems
Home-based eHealth
Human-computer interaction
Imaging and visualization
Impact and usability
Learning and education
Knowledge management
Knowledge-based systems
Modelling and simulation
National eHealth roadmaps
Nursing informatics
Pan European-cross border applications
Patient safety
Personal health records
Pervasive healthcare
Privacy and security
Public health and consumer informatics
Quality assurance
Semantic web
Trustful health information for citizens and patients
Web 2.0 applications


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Masa rotunda cu genericul „ICT for Health and Telemedicine – Tehnologii Informationale in sanatate si Telemedicina”

Pe data de 20 mai la Chisinau a avut loc masa rotunda cu genericul „ICT for Health and Telemedicine – Tehnologii Informationale in sanatate si Telemedicina”.

Evenimentul a fost organizat de Ministerul Sanatatii, Ministerul Dezvoltarii Informationale, Academia de Stiinte al Republicii Moldova, in cadrul Saptaminii Tehnologiilor Informationale.

In cadrul mesei rotunde au fost puse in discutie subiecte importante ce tin de implementarea tehnologiilor informationale in sistemul sanatatii din Republica Moldova si performantele institutiilor medicale la capitolul dat.

Totodata, importante institutii medicale din republica, precum Institutul de Neurologie si Neurochirurgie, Clinica universitara de asistenta medicala primara a USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu" au prezentat experienta lor privind implementarea tehnologiilor medicale in activitatea medicala.

Alexandru Rosioru, directorul adjunct al Centrului National de Management in Sanatate, a facut o prezentare ampla privind perspectiva implementarii Sistemului Informational automatizat EHR.MD in sectorul sanatatii din Republica Moldova, care este una din activitatile de baza in activitatea Ministerului Sanatatii. Implementarea sistemului dat va permite interactiunea tuturor sistemelor institutiilor din sectorul sanatatii si va crea premise pentru dezvoltarea fisei electronice a pacientului.

Un loc separate in cadrul mesei rotunde a fost acordat domeniului de telemedicina, in calitate de instrument important in reformarea calitatii acordarii ajutorului medical inalt specializat populatiei Republicii Moldova, precum si perspectivelor de colaborare internationala in domeniul telemedicinii.

Viceministrul sanatatii, domnul Oleg Lozan, care a fost si moderator al evenimentului, a mentionat ca medicina autohtona este in continua dezvoltare si implementarea tehnologiilor noi deschide noi posibilitati pentru acordarea serviciilor medicale si ridicarii calitatii acestora. Domnul Lozan a mentionat ca in prezent, in domeniul sanatatii sint in derulare citeva proiecte in domeniul tehnologiilor informationale, ce vor revolutiona formele de acordare a asistentei medicale.

Experienta mesei rotunde „ICT for Health and Telemedicine - Tehnologii Informationale in sanatate si Telemedicina" va fi preluata pentru a fi extinsa ulterior in toate institutiile medico-sanitare publice, in special in asistenta medicala primara, unul din segmentele de baza in cadrul sistemului de sanatate.

Serviciul de presă, Ministerul Sănătaţii

Friday, May 22, 2009

Roundtable on ICT for Health and Telemedicine held in Chisinau, Moldova

On May 20th, the session of E-health as a part of the International conference ICT+ 2009 was held in the Central Scientific Library „Andrei Lupan” of the Academy of Science of Moldova. The roundtable was chaired by the vice-Minister of Health, Oleg Lozan. The event was attended by more than 50 participants, showing a growing interest to ICT and health care issues in the Republic of Moldova.

At the one of rare, so far, public events dedicated to the important issue of eHealth, Moldovan doctors, researchers, health care managers and IT specialists presented and discussed IT-solutions for primary, emergency and hospital care management, visions and experiences in electronic health records modeling and implementation. During the session, participants were informed about existing opportunities for international cooperation in the areas of eHealth and telemedicine (ISfTeH), and available and easily accessible educational and scientific resources (Health Sciences Online and Peoples-Uni).

The organizers had to extend the session for additional two hours to accommodate the lively discussion around the issues raised in the presentations. During the discussion the concerns were raised about the sporadic origin of IT initiatives in different areas of health care. Participants outlined little evidence of cooperation between existing stakeholders and weak coordination in the area of eHealth and telemedicine in the country. All of pilots presented experienced difficulties integrating their systems with the health insurance information system. Concerns were raised about lack of interest among IT companies to cooperate with health institutions.

Other important issues included deficiencies of ICT infrastructure in health care sector, and material support of this infrastructure. Presenters emphasized the importance of the reliable ICT infrastructure availability in health care in the country, and suggested to considerably improve the certification process for IT solutions for health care.

During the roundtable many speakers expressed the interest to the idea of nationwide regulation for electronic health records, including a unique nationwide electronic health record system and creation of an entity with a capacity to develop and manage ICT resources in health care (eHealth Center).

For more information please contact Telemedicine Association of Moldova by email: telemd at, htpp://

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ziua Mondială a Astmului, 3 mai

Pe data de 3 Mai s-a petrecut Ziua Mondială a Astmului Bronşic. "Nu este coincidenţă ca începutul lunii Mai a fost selectat pentru a atrage atenţia lumii la această boală" explică Dr. Derek Zach, Director Executive a OMS responsabil pentru boli necontagioase. "Primavara şi începutul verii este o perioadă cînd 150 millione de bolnavi cu astm bronşic trebuie sa fie mai atenţi şi sa aibă medicamente necesare cu sine permanent, pentru a resista atacuri de astm bronşic."

Ziua Mondială a Astmului Bronşic este observată în mai mult de 80 de ţări... [mai mult în comunicatul OMS-eng]

Informaţii utile despre astm bronşic (protocoale, articole, studii) Health Sciences Online - ro/eng

Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) - eng

Informaţia despre astm bronşic la copii la
- ro

Monday, May 4, 2009

Capacităţile a reţelelor sociale în relaţii între doctor şi pacient

Utilizaţi Twitter? Sau Facebook apare pe monitorul calculatorului mai des decit email? ...Acum medici folosesc reţele sociale pentru a comunica cu pacienţi în timp real si furniza informaţii şi suportul...Imaginaţi un medic "tweeting" cu răspunsul la întrebare plasată 4 minute în urmă...[read more eng]

Telemedicine May Open tPA's Window (Treating most strokes in small and rural hospitals!)

Physicians in rural Georgia are achieving the optimal window for administration of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) to stroke patients thanks to a telemedicine network spearheaded by the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta...[read more from Family Practice News]

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Educarea la distantă a pacienţilor cu astm bronşic si COPD

Recent, spitalul din Arrow Lakes, B.C. (Canada) a lanţat un nou program de telesanatate (telehealth) pentru educarea la distanţă a pacienţilor bolnavi cu astm bronişic si COPD. Un specialist în bolile respiratoare, prin utlizarea connecţinunii telemedicale conduce sesiuni telemedicale de instruire a pacienţilor depistate cu astm bronşic si COPD in special, pentru comunitati izolate...[eng].

Informatia despre îmbolnăvirea populaţiei cu virusuri gripale de origine porcină sub tipul A(H1N1)

Virtual Academy for Health Launched

The international consortium of the EU project has developed and launched a Virtual Academy for Health: a unique virtual space created for exchanging and gaining knowledge on European healthcare issues that fosters the use of ICT for learning, exchange, and collaboration in the healthcare sector, multiplies and furthermore consolidates dialogue arenas among policy makers, students, researchers, healthcare professionals and citizens...

read more from

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Europe Unveils Strategy to Become a Global Leader in High-Risk IT Research

Unlimited computing power, computers mimicking the brain, mind-controlled wheelchairs and friendly robotic companions are part of a new European plan to boost visionary research, unveiled by the European Commission. With more investment and cooperation in high-risk research on future information technologies, Europe can lead the way in turning bright research ideas into future technologies. On April 22, 2009, the Commission proposed to boost Europe's high-risk research into future technologies by doubling research investment at national and EU level in this area by 2015. The Commission will lead by example, increasing the current funding of € 100 million per year by 70% by 2013.

Read more from

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Call for papers: The Second IASTED International Conference on Telehealth and Assistive Technology

TAT - 2009

November 4 – 6, 2009
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

The healthcare industry is constantly changing to incorporate new advances in science and to address new needs within society. Recent developments in communication technology have greatly facilitated the exchange of information and expertise. Telehealth is an emerging field in which health services are transmitted over a long distance using technologies such as videoconferencing, the Internet, store-and-forward imaging, streaming media, satellites, and wireless communications. Telehealth promises to impact the ways that clinical healthcare, health-related education, public health, and health administration are approached.

The field of assistive technology is a fast growing area of study. With the increasing awareness of disabilities in society today, and the rapid aging of many Western nations, it will continue to increase in importance. Healthcare costs in the Western world are exploding, and assistive technology is becoming an indispensable tool in keeping costs down while helping to integrate various disability groups into mainstream society.

Web accessibility is often an issue for people with visual, aural, or learning disabilities. The discipline of assistive software technology addresses many of these concerns through interfaces such as screen readers, teletext, and mind mapping software. Advances in the area of assistive ergonomics help disabled people adapt to the challenges posed by their physical environments, while assistive rehabilitative technology attempts to obviate these challenges by improving the disabled person's condition. Assistive medical technology is closely related to assistive ergonomics and rehabilitation. It encompasses various devices used in treating and caring for the disabled, such as audiometers, wearable devices and telecare (remote monitoring systems).

Telehealth and Assistive Technology 2009 is intended to be an international forum for researchers and practitioners interested in the advances in and applications of Telehealth, assistive software technology, assistive ergonomics technology, assistive rehabilitative technology, and assistive medical technology; to exchange the latest research, results, and ideas in these areas.

All papers submitted to this conference will be double-blind peer reviewed by at least two members of the International Program Committee and related technical committees. Acceptance will be based primarily on originality, significance, technical soundness, presentation, and references. The conference chair makes the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the paper.

TAT 2009 will be held in conjunction with the IASTED International Conferences on:
- Robotics and Applications (RA 2009)
- Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC 2009)
- Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2009)
- Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2009)

Detailed info from IASTED

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Telemedicina practică

În Moldova a demarat primul proiect naţional de telemedicină practică, care a legat joi Institutul de Neurologie si Neurochirurgie cu secţia de reanimare a Spitalului clinic municipal Bălţi, comunică agenţia NOVOSTI-MOLDOVA.

Proiectul este implementat de Ministerul Sănătaţii în colaborare cu [read article]

26 martie 2009 17:54

Telemedicine project moves forward

Construction for the North Country Telemedicine Project is slated to begin next month.

The project will allow nearly 30 north country health care facilities to exchange information on site with each other and facilities in Onondaga and Oneida counties. [read article]

Watertown Daily Times, NY

Friday, April 10, 2009

Telemonitoring changes the working practice of cardiac nurses

The 9th Annual Spring Meeting of the European Society of Cardiology Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (CCNAP), organised in cooperation with the Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association (INCA), is being held at the Royal Dublin Society, Dublin, Ireland, on 24-25 April.

The meeting - considered by many to be the premier international event for nurses and allied health professionals - will show case the latest advances in practice, education and research. The 400 plus delegates expected to attend from 26 different countries, will have the opportunity to hear wide ranging sessions covering all aspects of cardiology, including enhancing self care in heart failure populations, managing patients with ventricular assist devices, sudden cardiac death, hypertension, angina, and adult congenital heart disease, and improving primary and secondary prevention.

The theme of this year's meeting is "Addressing the Challenges in Cardiovascular Care", with sessions exploring particular challenges of cardiovascular practice in the modern era, including diabetes and metabolic syndrome, behavioural change, and adherence to treatment. Sessions geared towards the practical management of cardiovascular care in daily situations will include how to incorporate guidelines into practice, take a cardiac history, improve assessment of heart sounds and interpret echo cardiograms. One innovative aspect of this year's meeting is the opportunity for health professionals to hear patients' personal perspectives on experiencing an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) storm, and having a ventricular assist device as a bridge to transplant.

"The Spring Meeting is about improving cardiovascular care, and addressing the challenges we face, such as the rapid development of knowledge and technology, and the changing roles of nurses and allied health professionals," says Professor Christi Deaton, Chair person of the ESC Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (CCNAP).

Mary O'Connor, President of the Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association, who is co-hosting this year's meeting, adds: "The meeting offers an invaluable opportunity for health professionals to network and meet with international colleagues to find out about the different ways of doing things. It allows best practice to be shared and will hopefully give delegates a lot of new ideas that they can introduce into their own clinical practice."

At the meeting more than 100 abstracts will be presented in poster, moderated poster and oral sessions reporting original research and clinical projects by nurses and allied health professionals. One such abstract by Ivonne Lesman (Groningen, The Netherlands) demonstrates that heart failure patients with new onset depression are significantly more likely to be readmitted to hospital (abstract 90082). The study, says Lesman, demonstrates the importance of screening for depressive symptoms in heart failure patients.

"We hope that the presentation of high-quality research will encourage more nurses and allied professionals not only to read and review research, but also to conduct more well-designed studies that build evidence for practice," says Professor Deaton.

Patients welcome telemonitoring

Telemonitoring is just one example of the cutting edge technology that is becoming integrated into every day cardiology practice. "Until now telemonitoring has largely featured in research trials, but this technology is on the cusp of becoming mainstream, and likely to result in a major change to the working practices of heart failure nurses," says Jill Riley, from the Royal Brompton Hospital, (London, UK), who is speaking in Friday's session exploring how telemonitoring can be used to enhance the self care of heart failure patients.

Telemonitoring, where telecommunications equipment is installed into patients' homes, enables a higher proportion of people with heart failure to be monitored by specialist services. Information on weight, blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation is transmitted down the phone line on a daily basis, with patients asked to answer "yes" or "no" to questions about breathlessness, orthopnoea (shortness of breath when lying flat), dizziness and ankle swelling. Any change in vital signs triggers an alert to the heart failure specialist nurse who follows up with a telephone call and may recommend life-style or medication advice or suggest medical review.

"Telemonitoring is particularly helpful in heart failure where the condition of patients may change and nurses can identify those who need the most help. However it also helps teach patients how to live with and self-manage their heart failure," says Ms Riley, who has been interviewing patients who took part in a telemonitoring trial about their attitudes.

The answers showed that patients are extremely positive about their experiences. "They're reporting that telemonitoring helps them to feel more in control and empowers them to take better care of themselves" says Ms Riley.

Strategic challenges for Primary angioplasty

In Friday's session, exploring challenges in revascularisation, Professor Tom Quinn, from University of Surrey (Guildford, UK), will focus on the impact that primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is having on nurses and allied health professionals.

Primary percutaneous coronary intervention, also known as primary angioplasty, is a technique carried out in specialist centres, where a fine catheter (tube) is passed, under local anaesthetic, from an artery in the leg or arm into the blocked heart artery. An inflatable balloon is then passed through the catheter, and inflated to reopen the artery. Both ESC and American guidelines have identified primary angioplasty as the 'gold standard' treatment for patients suffering from ST elevation myocardial infarction, better known as STEMI, a type of heart attack caused by a prolonged period of blocked blood supply, leading to characteristic changes on the electrocardiogram (ECG). Studies have shown that PCI leads to better long-term outcomes for STEMI patients, with lower mortality risk. Fewer strokes and reduced risk of suffering a further heart attack, compared to the traditional 'clot buster' treatment (thrombolysis) that has been the mainstay of hospital heart attack care for the past two decades. In some areas thrombolysis may be given by ambulance staff if travel times to a heart attack centre are likely to be very long, and research is continuing to identify the optimal strategy.

"More and more centres in Europe are offering primary angioplasty for STEMI with the result we're now entering a totally new era for treating heart attacks" says Professor Quinn. " We need to start thinking through the ways we are going to manage this revolutionary change, learning from the experience of countries, such as the Czech Republic ,where PCI has been widely available for several years."

First, he says, there will be strategic challenges for reconfiguring heart attack services. This will involve educating health care planners and purchasers so that they understand the evidence base for both health gains to patients and cost effectiveness. Education will also be needed for emergency staff, paramedics and the public. With a small minority of patients with chest pain actually suffering STEMI, well trained paramedics (in countries where doctors are not available on ambulances) hold the key to identifying STEMI patients rapidly and getting them to the correct facility. Members of the public will need to be educated about the need to call an ambulance quickly if heart attack symptoms occur, and also that travel to specialist heart attack centres, that may be some distance from their home, is safe and can improve outcomes. Realistically such specialist services cannot be provided in every community hospital.

Nurses working in emergency departments are likely to play a major role in navigating STEMI patients through the system, getting them to the cath laboratory as soon as possible (although direct admission from the ambulance to the cath lab saves time and is preferable if local circumstances permit). Cath lab nurses will need to develop strategies to provide patients and families with appropriate levels of information about the procedure during the very acute phase, while not delaying treatment. Additionally, with shorter hospital stay because of the more rapid recovery seen with primary angioplasty, cardiac rehabilitation nurses will need to develop systems for ensuring that patients get appropriate access to support after the acute event."Finally, health professionals working in community hospitals will need to be reassured that there's still plenty of acute cardiology to be provided outside the heart attack centre," says Professor Quinn.

"Take home pearls" in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention.

In a joint US and European session on "Global Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: a call to action", Nancy Houston Miller, from the Stanford Cardiac Rehabilitation Program (Palo Alto, California, USA), will provide tips on how cardiology nurses and allied health professionals can start to introduce behavioural skills training into their every day practice. "More and more health care professionals are finding that marrying psychological (behavioural) techniques with cardiovascular knowledge helps them to be much more successful in encouraging patients to adopt life style change, whether that be stopping smoking, starting exercise programmes, or changing dietary habits," says Ms Houston Miller, adding that such intervention is urgently needed since data shows adherence to medications is often only 50 % at the end of one year.

In her 20 minute talk on Monday, Professor Houston Miller aims to deliver some "take home pearls" that her audience can immediately start to introduce into their practice. The techniques to be described include advice on how to display empathy, techniques of asking open ended questions, how to most effectively deliver a one to three minute message, developing skills for goal setting and monitoring, and even how best to set up your office from the educational stand point.

"I'm also hoping to inspire more health professionals to consider enrolling in more programs to help them with behavioural skills training," she says.

One such course is the EUROACTION course, pioneered by Professor David Wood and Catriona Jennings, which uses nurse coordinated prevention, programmes to improve life style and reduce cardiovascular disease. Key to the success of the course is the fact nurses use behavioural techniques to address individual's particular problems, and get partners on board to reinforce the project. On 22 and 23 April, just prior to the spring meeting, EUROACTION is running a pre course meeting in Dublin on "How to set up and run evidence based preventive cardiology programme".

Monday, April 6, 2009

G.E. and Intel Working on Remote Monitors to Provide Home Health Care

Two of the nation's technology giants, General Electric and Intel, are joining forces to try to cash in on the trend of delivering more health care outside hospitals and doctors' offices.

The companies, in a partnership announced on Thursday, plan to spend $250 million jointly in the next five years on research and development of health technologies to let doctors remotely monitor, diagnose and consult with patients in their homes or assisted-living residences.

Both companies have fledgling offerings in the field of telehealth, as it is known, and home health monitoring. Intel has just introduced a special-purpose computer with two-way video capability, which is linked over the Internet to a doctor, nurse or physician assistant, called Intel Health Guide.

Read more at NY Times

Saturday, April 4, 2009

New Peripheral Brain Technology Demoed at TED

PDAs have long been used by doctors and healthcare workers to help them make decisions on the wards. Perhaps this innovative technology demoed at the TED conference is the next evolution of the ‘peripheral brain’ idea. The device is a combination projector (so you don’t need a screen) and a camera to record your hand movements and identify what you are looking at. The processing is done in a mobile phone in your pocket.

With something like this you could perhaps project MRI data onto a patient so you could see ‘inside’ them as you examine them. There are a million other potential uses - identifying drugs from their shapes, checking the correct patient (or correct side of the body) you are about to operate on, displaying patient records without needing to go to a computer or lug around a laptop, etc, etc.

Source: Health Informatics Blog

Friday, April 3, 2009

Mеждународный форум «MedSoft-2009»

15-17 апреля в Москве пройдет международный форум «MedSoft-2009»

15-17 апреля 2009 г. в Москве пройдет 5-й международный форум «MedSoft-2009». Организаторами мероприятия выступают «Ассоциация Развития Медицинских Информационных Технологий» (АРМИТ) и «Центральный Дом Предпринимателя». Форум проводится при поддержке Департамента поддержки и развития малого предпринимательства г. Москвы, Департамента здравоохранения г. Москвы, Министерства здравоохранения Московской области и Медицинского информационно-аналитического центра РАМН.

Целями проведения форума являю… полный текст

Источник: CNews

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Canadian Telehealth Leaders Co-Edit Telehealth in the Developing World

CST members Drs. Richard Scott and Kendall Ho have joined forces with Drs Richard Wootton and Nivritti Patil to co-edit "Telehealth in the Developing World." The book provides a rare and comprehensive survey of emerging telemedicine and ehealth services worldwide.

Published by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) "Telehealth in the Developing World" shines a light on telehealth and ehealth development in the developing world by presenting real-life stories from Asia, Africa, and Latin America. More information about the book is available at:

Sourse: Canadian Society of Telehealth

Pe 20 martie 2009 a avut loc a 2-a şedinţă a Grupului de Lucru TI


La 20 martie 2009 a avut loc a doua ședință a GL TI. Scpul ședinței a fost discuția de mai departe a unor aspecte de design a SIA AMP. A fost înaintat spre discuție planul ajustării concepției SIA AMP, modelul business al activităților din medicina primară și lista termenilor în domeniul AMP pentru elaborarea glosarului de termeni. S-a propus spre discuție de asemenea lista standardelor care sunt necesare urgent spre a fi aprobate. Pe lăngă aceste întrebări, au mai fost discutate o serie de întrebări care pe parcurs au devenit importante. MS a exprimat interesul în obținerea unor propuneri referitoare la durabilitatea proiectului și în special instituționalizarea unei companii de stat (sau fundații) care ar putea menține mai departe domeniul TI în cadrul Ministerului. Modelul unei companii de stat este destul de bine testat în Moldova și există experiență amplă în domeniul dat. Pe de altă parte, institușionalizarea unei fundații este bine testată în șprile europene, și permite un control mai mare din partea fondatorilor, care în cazul dat ar fi MS, Spitalurile și AMT-urile mari, potențiali donatori, etc.

Discuții aprinse au fost pe marginea propunerii MS de a merge înainte cu dezvoltarea unui soft existent, care funcționearză deja în AMT Centru. Aspectul pozitiv al acestei soluții este faptul, că parțial au fost deja investite resurse și perfecționarea lui ar necesita resurse mai mici pentru a-l replica la scară națională. Pe parcurs a fost discutat aspectul nivelului de centralizare a acestului SIA. Deși în termenii de referință este indicat că este necesar un sistem decentralizat, majoritatea membrilor GL si-au exprimat opinia că la momentul dat este viabilă soluța unui sistem centralizat, care ar stoca datele pe un server central și ar presta datele necesare în regim online. Aceasta ar reduce semnificativ menținerea de mai departe a sistemului. Costul încă mare a comunicării Internet scade vertiginos, și timp de un an- doi practic acest cost va dispare ca problemă.

Sourse: Proiect TACIS "
Fortificarea Asistenţei Medicale Primare în Moldova"