Thursday, January 26, 2012

Upcoming FP7 Health Innovation Calls

Approach for 2012 is the Theme Health is aligned with the fundamental objectives of EU research policies: improving the health of European citizen and increasing competitiveness of European healthrelated industries and services, as well as addressing the socio-economic dimension of health care and global health issues.

There is a strong emphasis on the participation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in most research areas with a major focus on the medical technologies sector. In this way it will provide research support to complement the activities of the pilot innovation partnership on active and healthy ageing which may, inter alia, focus on the removal of barriers to innovation in this sector. The work programme also consolidates the major effort initiated in 2011 to stimulate innovative ideas for research and SME participation via broad, bottom-up topics to be implemented through two-stage submission and evaluation procedure. Such activities are also envisioned to complement the ongoing public-private partnership with the pharmaceutical industry, the Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI). Overall this work programme will continue to support top quality collaborative research that meets the stringent criteria of scientific excellence, professional management of public funding and high socio-economic impact.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

eHealth Review: Telemedicine market to more than double by 2015

eHealth Review: Telemedicine market to more than double by 2015

Aussie Explorer: NEHTA - Model Health Community

Aussie Explorer: NEHTA - Model Health Community: Model Health Community is to be expanded soon. Very logic, efficient and beneficial to the patient. Costs in the medium term must be lower, ...

GKP Foundation - free membership for NGOs from developing countries

As an evolving network of public, civil society, and commercial organizations, GKP provides members, access to global knowledge and innovation; links with organisations within and across regions; supports capacity development and provides opportunities for resource mobilisation to advance development.

GKP Foundation