Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Healthcare Workforce Shortages

Investment in health IT workforce is an emerging challenge not only by developed, but by developing countries as well.

"The U.S. health care industry is facing two emerging workforce challenges as it prepares to meet demands both from more patients for more care, and from
consumers and regulators for cost, quality and other reforms. The first is the widely documented shortage of caregivers (see “U.S. Health Care Workforce
Shortages: Caregivers”). The other is a growing shortage of health information technology (HIT) workers that is becoming significant as the industry aims to
expand use of electronic health records (EHR), health information exchanges (HIE) and other HIT tools. Evidence of an HIT workforce shortage is coming from at least two sources..."

CSC_US_Healthcare_Workforce_Shortages_HIT.pdf (application/pdf Object)